Thursday, July 23, 2009

So what have baked recently?

This was the question my sister asked me the moment she saw me online on MSN yesterday - after a long long time and that's the first question! Not even how have you been etc but what have I baked recently? How should I take that? It can be seen as a compliment right? Although I'm not sure which angle should I look at it from. And I mean I just baked like 2 weeks ago for hubby's birthday! I wasn't planning to bake - I told her maybe on Friday coz that's when I take things the easiest - finish off my household chores (ie cleaning) in the morning, stay online for sometime, maybe study just a little then usually I start experimenting with food. But after chatting with her, I had this urge to try out the new cupcake recipe recommended by my cousin and so I did! It was really simple and quick to do. It didn't take me much time at all! So I ended up with 9 vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frostings at the end of the day.

A closer look at how these cupcakes look like before frosting is put on them.

And now let's dress them up with vanilla frostings!

As usual, I made the frostings from scratch but I'm just wondering if they should harden or it should stay creamy? Mine stayed creamy. I'm wondering if fact that I put in 50g less icing sugar has anything to do with it? I stayed with the recipe for everything else but the icing sugar. We're not a fan of sweets - not too much anyway - so I thought I might just reduce a little. The experience from carrot cake told me that I had too much icing sugar in the frosting. Anyway, you can see from the pic (I hope you can) that after a couple of minutes of beating, it's really soft and fluffy! It really feels soft and fluffy when you touch/taste it. When I read the description that you're suppose to beat it till it's soft and fluffy, I was like WTF - what's the supposed to mean? And mind you, I used a spoon not mixer or beater. Hard labour ok!

See how light and fluffy it is??

And I must say these cupcakes are pretty good! Those cupcakes which I have eaten (never actually tried baking) are way too dry for our tastes which is why I never bothered with cupcake recipes. But these are really moist! I'm not sure if I have put in too much butter or not but they are really moist, soft and springy. This reminds me that maybe I should really get their recipe book from Amazon. Apparently you can't find them in Singapore, not even Kinokuniya has them! Should start ordering now if I want to bring it back with me to Kenya.

Another sister of mine asked me why do I need to attend flower arranging class when I brought out the topic out of the blue one day. I promised I'm gonna tell her why so I thought why not show her why instead? Picture tells a thousand words right? So sista, do you think I should attend flower arranging classes now eh? We've started buying flowers every week or whenever the flowers wilt to bring some life into the house. It's really a great way to beautify the place. It brightens the whole place up and you just feel alive and happier whenever you see them. They are pretty cheap too! For 20 roses, I'm paying only KSH150 (used to be KSH100 till 2 weeks ago) which is approx RM7.50/USD1.90 and the fillers are KSH50 a bunch, approx RM2.50/USD0.60 and these flowers, if you know how to take care of them, can last up to 2 weeks!!! Pretty cheap way to beautify your house eh? Used to place the flowers in the dining room but have since moved them to the living room. I mean how often do we go into the dining room? Once a day? We spend most of our time in the living room, moreover I place it by the door so hubby will see it whenever he goes/comes through the door before/after a hard's day work which lift his spiritsi considerably. Don't believe it? Try it out! You'll see the difference. Really!


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