Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who caught a glimpse of the eclipse? Raise your hand!

Longest total eclipse of the 21st century happens today!! But apparently many of the places - the viewpoints - were so cloudy, the viewing was a disappointment to many who traveled from afar for this phenomenon which will not happen again until 2132. By that time I should be......well, 6 feet under.

It's one of the coldest day here in Nairobi today and I'm taking it easy with the studying. Taking my own sweet time since I'm almost done now. One more module to go and I'm ready for revision and review questions. This should take me no more than 2 weeks, I hope.

Internet's down again!!! Urgh......idiots so I'm using my USB modem. Thank goodness we only have one more week to go till the end of the month coz I'm damn sure I'm reaching the credit limit soon! You see, this USB modem is part of my hubby's benefit as an expat living in Kenya BUT as with any other perks, there's a limit to it. And the limit's 700MB worth of data transfers per month! Yup, WTF!!! What the hell can you do with 700MB?? So I'm using it very wisely but damn it's so difficult to "ration". I thought limits are based on bandwidth now? I thought limit by data transfer has been outlawed? Well, if they have not, they should! So primitive! And mind you, there isn't an option that says unlimited transfer for a fixed fee. Ah ah....700MB limit is the best package there is. For every 1MB after 700MB, you pay through your nose - costs about RM4.50 for every 1MB thereafter (approximately USD1.20)

I've written to the management of this compound - our Internet works only 20-30% of the time and mind you the provider's Orange, but for the past 2 weeks, it's not working at all not even 0.001%. And power cut in Kenya is extremely common and frequent. Say on average 4 days a week for an average of 4-5 hours. The good thing is the weather here is perfect, power cut or not, we do not need fan or air-conditioning all throughout the year! That's how cooling the weather here is. So power cut is much bearable that way. Think Malaysia 15-20 years ago - that's how frequent out power cuts are. Because of this, I have also written to ask for a general for the compound to be installed. Yes, we don't feel hot when there's a power cut but I do need to eat and who's gonna pay if my foodstuff goes bad? Most importantly, I can't go online, can't watch TV, my boiler doesn't work which means cold water (imagine cold water to shower when it's 17 degrees!) and if my phone battery goes dead how am I going to charge when there's no electricity?? You might as well kill me when that happens.

Ever wonder what do I cook for dinner? What is a typical meal like when I'm the cook? I'm going to post some of our dinners from now on. I'm still an amateur and raw ingredients are very limited so there might not be many such posts. I usually end up repeating my dishes every week or every 2 weeks. I try to keep certain dishes special which I cook only once in a blue moon.

This is broccoli with dried shrimps in oyster sauce. Broccoli is extremely cheap and it's everywhere here in Kenya (it's considered an expensive veg in Malaysia so you don't get to eat it often) so it's part of our diet almost every week but I try to alternate it. There's just that many ways you can cook a broccoli.

This one looks pretty scary huh? It's chicken fillet in hoisin sauce coated with toasted sesame seeds. This is one of my "special" dishes which I try not to serve often and it's also one of my hubby's favourite.

A simple soup - my hubby is a Cantonese and soup plays a big role in a Cantonese household. They usually have soup in at least one of their meals, usually dinner. This is named ABC soup - I don't know why named as such but I supposed because of the simplicity of it. It's got tomatoes, carrots, onions and some put potatoes in them. Just put a couple of pork ribs with them and you'll get a wholesome soup! Very healthy!


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