Thursday, July 16, 2009

Very very fickle weather

This is the 6th time I'm taking off my sweater for today...and it's 4.30pm. The weather here just can't decide if it wishes to stay warm or cold today. It's confused which season it's suppose to be in at the moment. Now let me help you - you're supposed to be winter now! So just stay cold for awhile now! (I just blardy bought a heater last week and it's not funny that after using it twice, I have to pack it up again!)

I'm pretty proud of myself today - although I slept sometime after 2am last night, I managed to wake up at 9am and finish a module by 2pm! I'm taking a well-deserved break, trying to mak "huat kueh" for hubby's breakfast tomorrow. That means I'm still on track! I have only 5 more weeks before I have to take and pass my exams. No, make that 6 weeks.

I found this amazing website that lets you creat your own magazine covers! You'll get to be on Cosmo, Times, Playboy, etc in no time and best of all is it's free!! It's fun for awhile but like everything else, you'll get bored of it after awhile unless you're so full of creative cells like a friend of mine who managed to come up with all sorts of magazine covers......I wonder how he does it. Amazing.....the most surprising part - I didn't know he has it (the creative cells I mean)

I'm just gonna upload these mag covers I made without any food. No food day!!! Wheeee!!! Well partly also because the STUPID INTERNET connection in this God forsaken place isn't working AGAIN! It's not working at least 80% of the time, MINIMUM and I wonder why are we still paying for such idiotic services? It's part of the value added services that comes with staying in this condo (yeah right, then don't charge me the monthly condo maintenance fees!) So now we're resorted to getting a wireless USB modem on our own which we use whenever the internet in the apartment doesn't work. I need, I MUST file a complain to the management of this compound. Unbelievable......


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