Sunday, July 26, 2009

Only in Africa.....

I just have to post this one right now eventhough I said to myself no posts during the weekends. This is hilarious and happens only in Africa (I think so)

These photos were taken from my house - was captured from my room and my balcony OK. I heard the noises but either I was too engrossed by what I was doing at the time or I was just plain slow in reacting to it. So I didn't manage to get the best shot but you can still see what I'm talking about. It's hilarious! This happened at around 5pm Kenyan time (GMT +8) today.

Just so that you know, this road outside my house is a pretty busy road - lots of cars at all hours except during the night.

PS: You might not be able to see it because I'm stupid enough to not include them while capturing, but there there's a long queue of cars waiting patiently behind the herd, waiting for the right moment to overtake. Not a horn was sounded. And I mean these cows weren't just gonna walk right back to where they belong yah. They were parading!! That's how patient the Africans/Kenyans are and that's exactly what they do normally in their everyday life as well, something which we cannot tolerate because they take everything so easy! Everything is Pole Pole (in Swahile, pronounced as po-le) which means slowly. And I really mean ssssllllloooowwww to the extreme! If you tell them to hurry, you're in a rush they will tell you POLE POLE. Sometimes you just feel like strangling them.


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