Friday, February 5, 2010

Pineapple Tarts - success!

What is Chinese New Year without pineapple tarts? It's not the tart you know - it's actually pineapple jam (homemade) wrapped in pastry.

For as long as I can remember, there will definitely be at least 2 containers of pineapple tarts from my aunt. She makes cookies for sale during Chinese New Year and we'll always get a couple of them - there will definitely be pineapple tarts and my favourite, makmur cookies. Come to think of it, I honestly think makmur isn't the real name of the cookie. Aunt just made it up or if it is, her version of makmur has been modified. But whatever it is, it's still my favourite. NOBODY touches my makmur! Hehehehe....

This will be my 4th Chinese New Year I'm away from home, spent in a country where the Chinese population is really pathetic (previous countries include Italy and Russia) so I don't miss Chinese New Year at all. Unless it's on a weekend, otherwise I'll be working anyway. But because of my little luncheon party in 2 days (!!!), I've decided to try baking these little darlings.

Well, I think I'm naturally gifted baker :p but I honestly think pastry making runs in the family. I'm not such a good cook (even hubby said so - he told his friends when it comes to pastries, he has no doubt it will turn out good) but I usually succeed on my first attempt at any pastry. Just like this one. OK aesthetically, I'm really quite a shame of it but it taste good man. And and and I made the blardy pineapple jam MYSELF! What say you huh??

But honestly, I think it runs in the family, both paternal and maternal side of the family. My aunt (paternal side) makes cookies for sale during Chinese New Year. My cousin (maternal side) is a pastry chef - authentic pastry chef. My two sisters - none knows how to cook (I honestly doubt they can even fry an egg!) but both bakes very well (I have not tried but that is what I heard) And I have aunts and cousins (maternal side) who bakes so well! One of them even makes mooncakes! Wow!

I'm not going to post any pictures up now. I'll post them as part of my Sunday luncheon success story :p

Till then - wish me luck!


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