Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Me not good at sudden niceness....

Hubby asked me, out of the blue, if I wanna go to Mombasa. Mombasa is a coastal city in Kenya - it's the 2nd largest/main city in Kenya after its capital, Nairobi. It's a 7-8 hour drive from Nairobi. This happened last night when we were out for dinner. Yup, out for dinner on a Tuesday. Things are soo weird right?

He said we can go either this weekend or the next and he'll take a day of on either Friday or Monday. I'm sorry if I appear paranoid to you but I AM!! I am not used to this sudden act of ......I don't even have a word for it. Kindness? No. Affect? Maybe. Whatever! He caused my brain to go into an overdrive last night just because of this "innocent" question. Why is he suddenly so nice to me? Why did he suddenly suggest we take a trip to Mombasa? Don't get me wrong - my hubby isn't abusing me and he's nice to me. He loves me. But a trip right now when we're up to our neck in debts? Hmmm.....Possible reasons started swarming me last night when I thought about why why why.....yeah so I'm paranoid - sue me.

Easiest way out of my "misery"? Ask him which I did. He said "Well, we've never been before and we're leaving so just go lor...." Logical to a normal person but not to me. Yup I'm paranoid - sue me sue me. :p

I just got off the phone with a potential dealer, this time for Tanzania. Judging from what I hear, she's doing pretty well. She's got established business and owns a boutique in Tanzania selling leather bags and shoes. Wow right? She's trying to expand her business to include clothings now. So I'm planning to make a trip to Tanzania in the next couple of weeks just to see if there's a business there. I also want to see her shop.


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