Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gong Xi Valentines People!

Dong dong dong qiang, dong dong dong qiang, dong dong dong qiang dong qiang dong dong qiang. LMAO

I bet you're wonder what the subject of this post means and what the hell does that sentence up there means. Don't get too confused. I'm not out of my mine yet. 

The title of this blog is wishing everybody a Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's Day in 1 sentence. Gong Xi Fa Cai is how the Chinese wish each other during Chinese New Year. And that dong dong dong thingy, is just the lyrics (I think - is is the sound made by the instruments or do they actually sing it out loud?) to a very very popular Chinese New Year song. You hear it EVERYWHERE during Chinese New Year. 

So, before I go out for my Chinese New Year lunch, wishing everyone an extremely Prosperous and Happy Tiger New Year!!


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