Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's 3am and I have been trying to sleep since 12.30am. I'm extremely
tired and am exhausted due to lack of proper rest/sleep for past week.
My insomnia is getting out of hand and there's nothing I can do about
it. It is torturous to be exhausted yet your mind and body just
wouldn't let you rest.

In fact my eyes were glued shut, so tired I just couldn't open them
but my brain just refused to let me fall asleep !!!!!!


Flo said...

Your insomnia is most likely due to FV! I got that at one stage! Yeah..its getting a bit boring..but then u got upgraded too fast, i think!!n miss a bit of fun n excitement.
Anyway, Gong Xi Fa Cai to u n yours n anyone who is reading this.

Ann said...

NO! Are you serious?? But then again, I've always had sleeping problems but it just got worse, started last weekend.

:p I get bored with stuff very quickly....too quickly in fact I wish I would just slow down a bit.

Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too :)

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