Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hmmm - what is the subject of this entry??

Demotivated, mood-less, not very happy, not chirpy for sure, one of the low points of life bla bla bla - that's how I feel right now about me! Today is ME day! I'm talking about me me me me and more me!

I have to change the bed covers, I have laundry to do, I have dishes to do and I have to study - exam's 3 weeks away and I'm not on schedule. But I have no mood, energy or drive to do any of those. All I wanna do is laze around in front of my laptop doing nothing. Even then, I have no idea what to do! I'm even tired of FarmVille already! This is definitely a low point in my life - maybe moment. I don't know if I have felt like this before but I'm sure I have only I don't remember. I rarely remembers bad times. I don't remember all the bad things that has ever happened to me or anybody. I don't remember the evil things people do or say to me. If I remember something bad about you, then it must have been really bad. Why remember the bad in life when life isn't perfect already? Why make it worse? Life's way too short for all those crap man.

Man....I'm so contradicting huh? Maybe it's the time of the month? Maybe not - I don't know....URGH! Better sit up and gambate! I'll have my family and friends with me again very soon!


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