Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chinese New Year is just around the corner - what have you done? Are you still cleaning your closet and getting rid of those unwanted stuff? Thank goodness I don't have any of those to do! My house is kept sparkling clean all year long. That's the good thing about having a maid right? And not having anybody care if it's ready for Chinese New Year or not.

Only have an open house to attend on Sunday. Nothing else is on. I've been busy baking pineapple tarts - the first batch has disappeared mysteriously (in my stomach).......and have a carrot cake to bake for the open house on Sunday. Busy busy busy. Also have to embark on my weight loss program - have put on way TOO MUCH weight! Damn! Why? Eating too much that's why. I know it but I can't seem to be able to cut it down. Dang!

Anyway, apart from it being Chinese New Year, it's also Valentine's Day. I wonder what hubby will do this year. I bet it's anyway, Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's Day y'all


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