Monday, November 9, 2009

Visa application rejected

Hubby's US visa application was rejected this morning. So
frustrated....damn! It was for the silliest reason (although makes
absolute sense but very unreasonable) I sent in my application for
Green Card Lottery via an agent & hubby is listed as spouse. So for
that the guy who interviewed hubby said that proves he has the
intention to stay in US, so he doesn't qualify for a visa this time.
Weird thing is he mentioned hubby as the primary applicant....but I'm
the primary unless the agent is soooo nice to send one aplication each.

But whatever it is, how can they, base on that and reject a tourist
visa application? Waste of time, energy and money. Mind you the
application fee is $131, non-refundable and we had to be there by 7am
which means we woke up at 5.30am this morning. PLUS this is the 2nd
trip. The first time he was turned back because he missed filling up
one form which by the way was not mentioned anywhere on the website.
This form is applicable to male applicants ONLY. I wonder how many
male applicants have to return for 2nd time.

I wonder for how many more years will he not be allowed to apply for a
visa. He got rejected for an application made in 2008. A person who
wants to tour the States will most likely not be allowed to do so if
he/she has applied for Green Card Lottery.

Moral of the story: DO NOT apply for Green Card Lottery if you do not
yet have any US visa but wish to apply. Apply first!!


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