Thursday, November 12, 2009

A looooonnnngggg week

I have not had a chance to get a good night's rest all week! I have been sleeping everyday at midnight and waking up by 7am, at my workdesk by 8.30am! I will be working till late - say 6.30pm then will make dinner, watch a little TV (if only CSI is on) then back to work on my lappie. What have I been doing?? Upgrading/Improving mostly, improving the features and adding others. Then I have all the weekly releases to put up - used to do it in PDF format to be sent to my wholesalers only but now I can put them up on and allow everybody to enjoy them too! It's more work really but I hope it's gonna be worth it. It gives my shop more variety without having to stock up.

Because of all the work that I'm doing and the time I'm putting into my business, I have been seriously neglecting my studies. Able to study only after much can one cover?? How much information can one absorb by that time after 10 hours of non-stop working??? I wonder.....I guess I'll be taking it a little slower with this module and the one after. Anyway, am not rushing for the July paper anymore so why bother?

Honestly, check out - the new and improved version. I'm pretty proud of it really. I asked a friend to quote, giving her a list of items I wish to change/add and the price? RM7.5k!!! WHAT???!!!???? So I decided to DIM (do-it-myself). OK to be fair, I haven't ticked all on my list but hey, it's a great improvement and I have ticked at least 50% *proud*

Tell me what you think of the new website!


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