Monday, November 16, 2009

After 2 very long and busy weeks....

Finally finally!!! Nelanz Store now has a new look and new features. So not all features are obvious to everybody but so what? I set out with a list of things that I need to do to improve Nelanz Store (front page & back-end operations) and I'm proud to say that 80% of them have been ticked off! I'm even more damn proud of myself for doing most of the programming myself! Did I mention previously that I have asked for quotes and it came to between RM6-7K for what I wanted to add to my website??? Now, it's FOC!

I have got a shocking pink color now as theme (my sister asked why pink?? Errr.....hehe fashion what) I have a newsdesk which I have been wanting for sooooo long. Now you can check latest happenings there. I have special pricing functionalities - I will group the customers as how I want them to be grouped and prices that appear when they log in are these special prices (unless your group is retail by default :p) I am able to offer more products to my clients under Pre-Orders without having to stock them up at home (another sister is complaining how much space I'm taking up in her room so much so that she's been "kicked" out of her own room by my stocks :p)

I think I deserve a pat on my back even if it's not perfect. It definitely doesn't look fancy or done by a professional but hey, I have been spending more than 8 hours a day, everyday for the past 2 weeks, working on it! Not forgetting I have to take time off to update products and also to study. I'm an iron woman! Hehehe....nope, not on drugs just glad because I managed to do everything everyday, even play overnight mahjong. Uh huh....yup, and cook, clean, marketing, etc, the usual stuff not forgotten, maybe just a little neglected.

My hubby was definitely neglected during the past 2 weeks. Sorry darling!!! Tried not to be too obvious but can't be helped. Am glad that he decided to stay back at work till 8pm (instead of the usual 6pm) for 3 days a week. That gives me more time to concentrate on what I'm doing and spend more time with him when he returns (he'll get back by 8.30pm and I should get off the laptop by then, else not healthy).

Anyway do check it out - the new look, new functionalities and new products!

A little request: my programming isn't tip top really. Had only a few lessons in Uni. So if you find errors along the way, please please PLEASE let me know. I have tested the main functions and they work but not all. Thanks!!!! Arigato!!!! Spasiba!!! Grazie!!! Xie xie!!!! Assante sanna!!! :)))


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