Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Celebrity chat!!

Literally ok. I was chatting with a Singaporean celebrity last night on my Gmail chat. She's more famous for being the sister of one of the most famous actress in Singapore although she's a bona fide actress herself. She's actually very nice and easy to talk to. I got to know her through a friend and although I will not consider her a friend, but she's my acquaintance.

She was my stand-in Aunt Agha for the night - needed a listening ear and she was online plus she's a stranger so easier to talk to. And I realise after talking to her that she's actually very easy-going and very easy to talk to. Very fun too! We started with my problems to dogs to houses to business plans! I told her some of the ideas I have which I wanna carry out when I return to SG and she actually was willing to start the ball rolling. BUT provided she starts the ball rolling when I'm there. If she starts it without me then it's just plain stealing my ideas! Hmph!!

But let's see......


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