Monday, November 30, 2009


I have finally bought a Mac!!! Wheee!!!:)) I put in my order last night for a MacbookPro, which by the way, have totally no idea what is the status of my order. Of course I checked the status online but nothing was updated - it just says not yet shipped. It's quite disappointing actually. I mean you'll at least expect an email from customer service saying that your order has been received and it's being processed or something. Otherwise why is it called Order Status??? Even at Nelanz, we do send out such notifications - a short messsage saying that your order & payment has been received and will be shipped within 24 hours.

If it arrives in BP as they say it will between 02 Dec to 07 Dec, then I will have my MacBook in Nairobi by 19th Dec! Yes!! And on top of that, I have received an offer for my Twinhead. Double whammy! The offer she gave is RM250 short of what I'm asking for but I guess it's a good price and I should let it go if I do not find another buyer between now and January (this girl will only be able to pay for it in Jan). She's offered me RM300 on top of what my mum says her friend quoted her.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy thanksgiving people!!! I heard it's today :p

I have been invited to write my own column on fashion! My very own column, imagine that. It's for a review blog, a very popular Kenyan review blog that reviews anything and everything. And they are interested to have me start the fashion column.

Should I go for it?? They will like to start it off with 1 review a week. I'm interested but one a week?? What the hell will I write about??

Ideas people???

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The great Malaysian Government

Did anybody read about the baby killer being back in Malaysia and nobody knows where she is now?? If she's a murderer, she should be in the database so why was she allowed in to the country in the first place? Why wasn't there a trigger when she was scanning her passport? Whose fault is this incompetence - machine or workers? Either way, if the government cannot make the most of out the multi million dollar system, which Malaysia boasts to be the first to adopt (micro-chipped passport), then save it! Why spend so much of tax-payer's money???

Like everything else, we as a country do not carry what we set out to do to the very end. We start and we forget about it, move on to the next. And you wonder why is the country on reverse gear???

Take a look at Namewee's latest on TNB. Granted it's stupid video and he clearly does not understand what breakdown means but the employees on TNB didn't do such a good job explaining either! Asked who is in charge - nobody could give a proper reply. Don't they even know who is their boss??? Even then, somebody told him go to KL - the fella sitting there is the boss. Now be real! Who the hell will ask for somebody sitting in KL when the power cut is in Muar??? Idiots. I didn't finish the video because I got annoyed with Namewee not able to understand what the word "breakdown" means but he pointed out something very interesting: why is it that the whole of Muar town was in darkness and the only place lighted was TNB building??? Think about it....

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good sale today :)

Huh tired after standing all day but it was a good sale. We had our trunk FULL. I'm not kidding and full cannot be overstated. We drive a Nissan X-trail and we had to put all backseats down, flat and we had it filled up to the top and till we only manage to shut the trunk! That's how much junk we have. I couldn't see the rear at all while driving. Dangerous, yes...ah well. It took both of us 30minutes to load them into the trunk.

Not everything sold but what should, did. Came back with half full trunk. But it was a tough day - we had tough customers who just seem to love bargaining!!! Urgh!! They even tried to bargain for a top from USD2 to USD0.70!!! YES!!! They did!!! I mean this is worse than daylight robbery!! Of course I didn't give in. Why would I?? Everything!!! The moment they are quoted a price, their first instinct is slash it by 50%. I don't think they even listen or look at the product in front of them to know if what they say is realistic. Urgh.

Anyway, mahjong night later. I haven't slept a wink since we got back. Only slept 5 hours, woke up at 5am. Sigh...lucky hubby. Slepping like a baby. Good luck to me tonight!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Coffe Mona Lisa

Apparently this was in Sydney, Australia. Different tones due to different amounts of milk.

Amazing huh??? And my uncle actually asked where was it held so that he can drop by for a free cup of coffee!!! ;s

Flea Market tomorrow!

We're going to a flea market/garage sale tomorrow! We're going as sellers! There is just too much junk in our home that we will have to get rid off and tomorrow's the best time! So much to pack and do! I have been procrastinating so far till now, last minute. I have to just work a little harder to get my ass off the chair and start moving.

I hope it will be a good sale tomorrow. I hope we'll be able to get rid of most things tomorrow. If we do,hehehe......and MOST IMPORTANTLY DON'T RAIN TOMORROW! It's been raining everyday this week! Urgh.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Celebrity chat!!

Literally ok. I was chatting with a Singaporean celebrity last night on my Gmail chat. She's more famous for being the sister of one of the most famous actress in Singapore although she's a bona fide actress herself. She's actually very nice and easy to talk to. I got to know her through a friend and although I will not consider her a friend, but she's my acquaintance.

She was my stand-in Aunt Agha for the night - needed a listening ear and she was online plus she's a stranger so easier to talk to. And I realise after talking to her that she's actually very easy-going and very easy to talk to. Very fun too! We started with my problems to dogs to houses to business plans! I told her some of the ideas I have which I wanna carry out when I return to SG and she actually was willing to start the ball rolling. BUT provided she starts the ball rolling when I'm there. If she starts it without me then it's just plain stealing my ideas! Hmph!!

But let's see......

Someting to ponder

Before I begin my busy day (time of the week again to upload new products on to the website), I suddenly have this urge to sit down and write. How will you feel if you separate from your partner of 11 years after finding out that he/she cannot be committed to you after so many chances which you have given him??

I find that thought very sad be it a spouse or just someone you've dated for this long. You have spent 11 years of your life with this person and how many 11 years does one have especially the ladies? How many 11 years of youth does a lady have? And only to find that this person has broken your heart again and again. Will you give this person another chance if they do come back to you begging for ANOTHER chance?? I doubt I would. Enough is enough.

How strong will you be to face it if you were to be put in such situation? How strong will you be if you found out about the change of heart when both of you are on a holiday? Not because he told you but you just know. I don't know how many of us can take such a hit but I have the honour of knowing one person, someone very dear and close to me, of handling and standing up to it like an iron lady. I heard her story, felt sad for her coz her youth was all spent in this relationship. But I admire her courage and how she talked about it. How she handled the situation when she found out - she just knew. Kudos to her for that.

I just hope and pray that this won't happen to anyone reading this. I hope she'll find someone who will cherish and love her for who she is. She deserves it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What a day! (Yesterday)

Yesterday was damn fun and exciting! I woke up and started my day at 9.30am or so. Was just sitting in front of my laptop going through my daily online routine when I got this exciting message from someone I know and close to me. It involves another person who is even closer to me! Nope, am not gonna tell you what it is but whatever it is, it's so super exciting that I just couldn't stop myself from shaking!! I wish I could shout it out but I know both parties will kill me!

It's gonna be sooooo fun to look back on this day way into the future. Imagine what I will tell my kids with this close close person next to me with her kids! life is soooo exciting although I must say not as exciting as the main characters of the story! Woo hoo!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

After 2 very long and busy weeks....

Finally finally!!! Nelanz Store now has a new look and new features. So not all features are obvious to everybody but so what? I set out with a list of things that I need to do to improve Nelanz Store (front page & back-end operations) and I'm proud to say that 80% of them have been ticked off! I'm even more damn proud of myself for doing most of the programming myself! Did I mention previously that I have asked for quotes and it came to between RM6-7K for what I wanted to add to my website??? Now, it's FOC!

I have got a shocking pink color now as theme (my sister asked why pink?? Errr.....hehe fashion what) I have a newsdesk which I have been wanting for sooooo long. Now you can check latest happenings there. I have special pricing functionalities - I will group the customers as how I want them to be grouped and prices that appear when they log in are these special prices (unless your group is retail by default :p) I am able to offer more products to my clients under Pre-Orders without having to stock them up at home (another sister is complaining how much space I'm taking up in her room so much so that she's been "kicked" out of her own room by my stocks :p)

I think I deserve a pat on my back even if it's not perfect. It definitely doesn't look fancy or done by a professional but hey, I have been spending more than 8 hours a day, everyday for the past 2 weeks, working on it! Not forgetting I have to take time off to update products and also to study. I'm an iron woman! Hehehe....nope, not on drugs just glad because I managed to do everything everyday, even play overnight mahjong. Uh huh....yup, and cook, clean, marketing, etc, the usual stuff not forgotten, maybe just a little neglected.

My hubby was definitely neglected during the past 2 weeks. Sorry darling!!! Tried not to be too obvious but can't be helped. Am glad that he decided to stay back at work till 8pm (instead of the usual 6pm) for 3 days a week. That gives me more time to concentrate on what I'm doing and spend more time with him when he returns (he'll get back by 8.30pm and I should get off the laptop by then, else not healthy).

Anyway do check it out - the new look, new functionalities and new products!

A little request: my programming isn't tip top really. Had only a few lessons in Uni. So if you find errors along the way, please please PLEASE let me know. I have tested the main functions and they work but not all. Thanks!!!! Arigato!!!! Spasiba!!! Grazie!!! Xie xie!!!! Assante sanna!!! :)))

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Travel Agent's Website Project - DONE!

Check it out:

This is the first real commercial website designing project which I undertook. Not bad huh?? By the way, if you're interested to come for a holiday in Africa, approach them! I know these people and I book my holidays with them too!

A looooonnnngggg week

I have not had a chance to get a good night's rest all week! I have been sleeping everyday at midnight and waking up by 7am, at my workdesk by 8.30am! I will be working till late - say 6.30pm then will make dinner, watch a little TV (if only CSI is on) then back to work on my lappie. What have I been doing?? Upgrading/Improving mostly, improving the features and adding others. Then I have all the weekly releases to put up - used to do it in PDF format to be sent to my wholesalers only but now I can put them up on and allow everybody to enjoy them too! It's more work really but I hope it's gonna be worth it. It gives my shop more variety without having to stock up.

Because of all the work that I'm doing and the time I'm putting into my business, I have been seriously neglecting my studies. Able to study only after much can one cover?? How much information can one absorb by that time after 10 hours of non-stop working??? I wonder.....I guess I'll be taking it a little slower with this module and the one after. Anyway, am not rushing for the July paper anymore so why bother?

Honestly, check out - the new and improved version. I'm pretty proud of it really. I asked a friend to quote, giving her a list of items I wish to change/add and the price? RM7.5k!!! WHAT???!!!???? So I decided to DIM (do-it-myself). OK to be fair, I haven't ticked all on my list but hey, it's a great improvement and I have ticked at least 50% *proud*

Tell me what you think of the new website!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Visa application rejected

Hubby's US visa application was rejected this morning. So
frustrated....damn! It was for the silliest reason (although makes
absolute sense but very unreasonable) I sent in my application for
Green Card Lottery via an agent & hubby is listed as spouse. So for
that the guy who interviewed hubby said that proves he has the
intention to stay in US, so he doesn't qualify for a visa this time.
Weird thing is he mentioned hubby as the primary applicant....but I'm
the primary unless the agent is soooo nice to send one aplication each.

But whatever it is, how can they, base on that and reject a tourist
visa application? Waste of time, energy and money. Mind you the
application fee is $131, non-refundable and we had to be there by 7am
which means we woke up at 5.30am this morning. PLUS this is the 2nd
trip. The first time he was turned back because he missed filling up
one form which by the way was not mentioned anywhere on the website.
This form is applicable to male applicants ONLY. I wonder how many
male applicants have to return for 2nd time.

I wonder for how many more years will he not be allowed to apply for a
visa. He got rejected for an application made in 2008. A person who
wants to tour the States will most likely not be allowed to do so if
he/she has applied for Green Card Lottery.

Moral of the story: DO NOT apply for Green Card Lottery if you do not
yet have any US visa but wish to apply. Apply first!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Well done, hubby!!

All night mahjong again yesterday. We started with board game at the
Malaysian Trade Commissioner to East Africa's house at 5pm. 4 of us
left for dinner at 7pm and by 9.30pm, 3 of us were back in our house,
seated and all ready to start our game. Trade Commissioner didn't join

Within a short span of 4 hours, Johnny declared "bankrupt" twice!!!! A
record!!!! (we only limit our capital to RM150 each play so when you
lose all of that, you're bankrupt) Johnny is usually the big winner
among us and it's very tough to "kill" him but hubby managed to kill
him 2.5 times!!! Good eh??? Why 0.5? Because Johnny decided to leave
the game with only RM20, so not exactly "dead" yet. And that was
8.30am this morning :)) How many hours did we play? You do the math ;))

I lost too - my nett profit is only RM5 :s but our total nett earnings
from 12hours is RM300!! Not bad huh? That's like a week's expenditure
already! Extremely tiring though especially for an insomniac like me -
I only slept 3 hours!!

I need to study but no electricity - urgh!!!! >:( and I'm running out
of things to write.......

Start of a new month - saying hello to 2010 real soon!!!

Wow it's November already????? Man...time flies!! Now before I forget
let me reflect what this year means to me.....quite a bit really but
the most important thing is I realized that maybe I'm not that suited
to be a mrs or maybe I just got hitched to quickly. Otherwise, life's
been pretty boring and static all year. Significant events:

1) started studying again
2) expanding and now we have a couple of dealer/
representatives in East Africa and USA. Hope to be able to continue
expanding :)
3) more quarrels, arguments, fights and divorce being mentioned
4) a great trip back to Malaysia (compared to last Dec, fantastic trip
this time)
5) decided to leave kenya - will leave here latest in April 2010

I'll do a re-cap in Dec IF I remember :)