Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Still bored

Why am I always bored at work? Got things to do but lazy to do jialat. How lah? I was telling myself not to leave early - must sit till the end but I doubt I can achieve that today. Again gonna "run" off. It's only 12 noon - another 3 hours to go! Time ah pass faster can or not? It's only Wednesday leh....

I paid up the remaining rental yesterday to The Blogshop. This is it. No turning back. I am also starting to bring my clothes into Singapore bit by bit, getting ready for Tuesday (the launch). No lah, no launch lah. I need to bring in some 150 pieces but can't do that one time coz of customs so am bringing in 30 each time. Hehehe....And I found a damn good "hiding" place in the office!!! Hehehe - it's actually one of the empty cabinets. Not sure who/which department it belongs to but I found it empty with the key hanging so I just called it my own for now till Tuesday =p

I need to go shopping! I need shoes and bags for weddings - I have none currently. I really have none, ZERO! So unbelievable right? Such a shame to the woman-kind right? Yeah I know so shut up. I'm so bored at work right so I can actually just take the MRT to Bugis. I have seen a couple which I really like from Charles & Keith ready anyway. But I'm also extremely lazy. But butt feels so heavy. I don't feel like walking or getting up. You know I'm supposed to just walk across to the ATM and I feel so lazy too. Hai.....*have to look for something/someone to blame**think**think**think* Oh the 2 years I spent in Kenya lor....BUT I really need to go to the ATM today. Really really must go.......


Aiyo....faster lah. Mr hour and Mr Minute hand move faster lah. So damn bored! I had to convince myself to wake up for work this morning man. SIEN!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bored @ work

My email is not moving for the last 30minutes and it is still not moving now. It's not responding and I have restarted a few times already. Let's keep it that way shall we? Heh! That means I won't get any work done and that might not be good =(

Monday - damn tired and it's all Bejeweled's fault! I couldn't get away from that game last night. Kept telling myself one more game one more game. I ended up stuck with it for more than 45 minutes. Slept around 11pm instead of 10pm =S Serve me right bah!

I brought back ALL (except like 10pieces) of clothes to JB yesterday and I didn't realise I only have so few pieces (should have ordered more) though I know people who will disagree readily hehehe.....especially those who lost their bedroom to me. Like I said, I have 1 little box left, another of accessories which i will collect later for flea and 2 big boxes of Nica bags left. Will bring those later coz I doubt I will be selling a lot of bags @ Haji so hopefully (fingers fully crossed) that they will sell during the flea. I am prepared to lose some for this batch of products. They really suck! I mean OK the bags are fine BUT they can't sell! Too expensive and too new in the market. I doubt anybody knows them still though they seem to have established themselves pretty well in Europe and Australia.

Forgot to change the kid's clothes delivery address to BP. If anything, it will arrive today in JB. Good and bad - good coz it didn't arrive on Saturday as planned so if delivery is to BP then I won't be able to get it in time for Haji's opening. Bad - coz I definitely am going to get questioned by hubby for ordering again. He said no more stocks. Get rid of whatever is on hand first since we're cash tight at the moment. How how how? Jialat....

I have been on this post for the last 10 minutes and my email is still not responding. Great - just great coz I have something urgent which I need to tend to. Damn!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Flea market DONE!

Another item ticked off my list for Nelanz and if I'm not wrong, this is the last. Oh no, actually there is one more item on my list not done. I need to follow up on that *reminds self* Got my stall location's confirmation just a few moments ago for an upcoming flea market event in November. Another SGD300+++ gone :'( but it's OK, awareness awareness awareness and it's business right? I will have sales on that day too!

In case anyone's interested (pom pom for support anyone?):

Date: 26 - 28 November 2010
Venue: Singapore Expo
Event: The Mega Flea Market 3
Time: 10am - 10pm

If anybody's interested in getting a stall there, please let me know. Will pass you the organizer's details.

So excited!!! It's like I'm doing so many things for Nelanz in such a short span of time. Just hope it's not money down the drain *pray pray pray*

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Decided! Really!

Actually it's more than decided because I have made my choice and it's no turning back now.

Hubby and I actually visited the branch (Outlet #2) in Far East and at that moment I was damn sure Far East is going to be THE ONE (I still think so actually, IF I have a choice) but when I got there, Miss H said all are taken except one which is supposedly located in the middle of the store, can take 50 pieces and cost SGD1200!!!


Yup, no way was my final answer and I told Miss H to keep me posted coz the moment I walked into Far East, she told me Haji's taken already. Anyway, I told Miss H I will prefer Far East but the SGD600 ones ONLY. Hey, the cheaper ones have a wall shelve while the expensive one is only a rack. Nothing but a rack ok! Ish! I don't remember if I told her I'll think about it or not but nevertheless, I called her on Monday to let her know that I won't take any of the racks. Told that I'll contact her in a couple of months again for further updates or she will call me once she has something up for grabs.

Then she did...she called me that very evening to let me know that there is one in Haji! *Drum roll* There is a catch! It's SGD800 =S I went to look at the rack - no doubt it's bigger but it's SGD800! I took it...... =S yeah the sucker is me now. I took the rack! I paid a deposit for it and now I'm a f**king proud owner of a bloody rack that can take 150 pieces of clothes in a shop on Haji Lane! YEAH!!!! Yee Haw! It better be able to pay its own bills *grrrr*


Friday, September 17, 2010

Decided! (?)

I think I have more or less decided on outlet #2 (SGD480 + 20% commission) I have spoken to a few people and some of them experienced in setting up new biz, they have all adviced me to go for outlet #2. I kept thinking and did some calculations - that too supported outlet #2.

But I need to work out my finances first to see if I can really afford this. So sad to be penniless.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yes or No? Go or no go?

I'm so vexed! Visited the blogshop again, this time I brought KC along to get a 2nd opinion and this time I have asked to meet the owner as well. Between the first visit till now, I have done my fair share of blogshops research on the net and also got recommendation from a certain famous actress's sister. One name which kept coming up was one which I walked in to enquire while waiting for KC to arrive @ Haji Lane.

I liked the 2nd one better (walk-in) - actually KC's exact words, #2 wins hands down which I so totally agree and they have a branch in Far East Plaza too! Double wow! BUT there is a catch:

1) There is a difference in rental between Haji Lane and Far East branch (doh!)
2) Rental is more than outlet #1
3) Commission is much higher than outlet #1
4) Rental minimum 6 months and total for 6 months MUST be paid up front in a lump sum

I like #2 - really! But of course attitude lah - they are very popular amongst bloggers so their racks are usually snapped out quickly. And I was there to see it myself that they have the crowd.

OK the problem:

1) Outlet #1 or #2?
2) Location?
3) Should I consider or no go at all? Hubby said forget it for now but I don't want to forget it and wait!!
4) Prices? Can my sales be enough to cover rental and commissions?

URGH!!! Comments???

Monday, September 13, 2010

Resident Evil 3D

Resident Evil opened in JB on 10th Sept (I thought 9th but hubby insisted it's 10th, whatever) and we couldn't get tickets for both 3D version and non-3D version all weekend! Wow...people, really?? Managed to catch it after all on Saturday but in Singapore - paid SGD28 for 2 tickets for it. Damn! It would have cost us RM42 for 2 in Malaysia!!

Verdict: Good for 3D and action. Not as good story wise if compared to the previous installments. Wentworth Miller - breaking out of prison AGAIN.

If all you want is 3D effects, I will recomment Step Up. We saw the trailer before Resident Evil started - damn good. Super 3D. I expect that to cost less also coz if I am not mistaken, the normal 3D ticket price is RM18 (RM21 for box office movies).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

To my Muslim readers (if I have any) Selamat Hari Raya! 

Got back our passports today - our Indian visa done! That one visa took up 2 pages of my passport!!! Grrrr....not like I care coz I don't think I'll be traveling much now anyway. *sigh* But another interesting visa in my passport heh. Now I have visas to Sudan, Kenya, Dubai and India. =p I love flipping through my current and the last passports - so full of memories, colours and experiences from my travels.

Coming to an end of my week long rest. Bitter sweet really. I'm glad to go back to work coz I'm almost bored to death. I really wonder how I got through Kenya - not working for 2 years! But I'm also feeling super moodless when I think about going back to work in that company, that job. yucks! Hang in there girl! It is paying the bills!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another milestone?

Will this be a new milestone for Nelanz? We are considering of renting a tiny space for Nelanz in a shop in Singapore. This shop is already renting rack space to 6 other blog shops and Nelanz has been approached to join their "family"

Things to do:
1) Do I have to employ sales/shopkeeper for my stuff?
2) Rental?
3) Agreement?
4) Traffic
5) Location
6) Business times
7) A lot of calculation to see if workable

If all in my favour then it will be a very exciting milestone for Nelanz and who knows, it could finally mean a new start for Nelanz!

Should I or should I not bother?? Will update you guys once I have taken a look at the premise. I tried searching online - the shop front didn't look too interesting, also the operating hours (2pm to 9pm)

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's official!

What is official?? I hate my job - that's what's official. Heh I have finally accepted and can confirm that I hate my job. I mean everybody go through the "I-hate-my-job" moments right just because something cropped up then. But hey I'm on medical leave and I still am thinking about how much I hate my job! I must really hate my job - need to find some way to get out.

Eye surgery

Did a very minor surgery around my left eye today. Will be on medical leave for 4 days but I'll have the whole week off coz Friday's a public holiday! Whee (Maybe not so whee after all)!!! Happiness.....and I'll get to get my Indian visa done too. Me like...!

Will post pics of my eye soon....stay tune

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Do you know I'm going to India on 8th October for a week? Attending a girlfriend's wedding and am so glad she's having her wedding there, honestly, coz hubby has already laid out very clearly that he's going to stay clear of India for the next 2 years. He claims that India is a 3rd world country and he's had enough of it for awhile. But BAM! he has no choice but to go (or not) now =p

The only problem now is I am paying for 2 persons while all my other friends are not that restricted by money or they are only paying for themselves. Don't forget I have a house husband at the moment so every single cent makes a lot of difference for me. The married ones have commitments split 2 and single ones - they have commitments within their means. My commitments and bills are x2 with 1 miserable salary. Anyway, the girls are going for the tour packages which will cost SGD700-1000 per pax. Multiply it by 2 and that will be my cost ontop of flight tickets, expenditures AND visa fees. NO WAY! There is no way I will be able to sign up with them. I have no choice but to come up with my own plans now. So messy!

It is very disappointing but there is only so much I can stretch myself, not to forget we have spent so much to come back from Kenya and we have extremely limited cash on hand. I have decided if worst comes to worst, I will cut my losses and forgo the trip totally. In any case, I might lose the whole $$ I paid for the tickets but that's it! No other costs anymore. And then I can book myself and hubby to some other place instead. I made myself clear in the email but seems like everybody has chosen not to see what I have written.