Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last day

With all the buzz around me since I came back to Kenya 3 weeks ago, I am writing for the last time from Kenya. This is the last full day I have in Kenya - we'll be flying out at 2pm local time tomorrow. Hmmm... 2 years....I arrived 1st May 2008 and leaving 30th April 2010. 2 years of my life here - can't help but feeling emotional. It has been, after-all, apart of me. It has been where I have called home and it is where I started my own family. So yes, no matter how much I complain about this place (stupid drivers, portholes everywhere, no electricity) etc, I have come to realise that I do feel rather sad leaving this place. Could my friend be right after all? He said everyone he knows who has left Africa ends up missing this place. Before, I was very sure that I won't miss this place apart from the weather and the nature. But I am not so sure now.....this place does hold a certain charm after all.

Staying at our friend's for two nights. We have officially moved out of our apartment - totally empty when we left - we gave all the small stuffs away to the guard and gardeners of our compound. Another sad sight coz I have never seen the apartment empty, ever. When I came the very first time, hubby already had some pieces of furniture in the house. I doubt he has ever seen the apartment empty himself.

On the high note, I have unofficially 2 job offers which I am considering. One's a new job and more relevant to CFP and the other, with my ex-beloved-employer. Most people are inclined towards me accepting the latter, which I'd think I will accept if offered. No matter what, it is what I'm familiar with and not as sleazy. 

Signing out for the last time from Kenya. 

Over and out....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Yet another....

Another boring post about how time flies - it's Monday 5pm already! It's less than 4 days to our flight out of Kenya for good and the close of my globe trotting chapter after 4 very fruitful and exciting years, FOR NOW. Yes it's only temporary - moi gonna make sure that it is. Nope, not a homey person so it's pretty sad for me and yes I hate the country where I am going back to. No thanks to our competent government. Same cannot be said for hubby though - he's so damn looking forward to it. He's counting the seconds!

I have been trying to pack all day in between FB games. Managed to get stuff into the luggage and leave the rest for the moving company on Wednesday. I'm not sure where they will start and how they are going to do it because I am so lazy, I am not bothered to put all of them in one place. Maybe I should/will tomorrow. Let's see......Don't remember moving being so tedious, maybe because I have never stayed this long and in such a big place for this long. Those times, I was a single lady with only that many things. But now, this was where we called home for 2 years. And to be fair, my apartment in Moscow was tiny (minute) and when I was in Italy, the company didn't even give me the chance to unpack before telling us "sorry guys, department is closing down" So they were still in their boxes when I had to move.

Busy week - dinner with hubby's boss tonight, tea with Malaysia Trade Commissioner to Kenya tomorrow, dinner with friends and movers and moving out of the apartment on Wednesday, farewell dinner with hubby's colleagues on Thursday and Friday - time to say sayonara for good (Kwaheri in Swahili) (business trips in the future don't count)

I have to remember to do the last batch of laundry in Kenya tomorrow. Remember remember remember - TIRED!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why is Kenya disappointing

I promised to tell you guys all about why at the end of my stay in Kenya (only a week to go), this place still doesn't fail to disappoint. 2 reasons.

1) Hubby resigned and according to company policy, company will not be responsible of repatriation if one resigns when assigned overseas. That means moving back is all our own cost - air ticket and shipping. So we're selling ALL our belongings especially the furniture pieces he brought with him 3 years ago and we'll travel light, as light as possible. Now we have this leather sofa which a Kenyan lawyer has seen and pre-booked way back in Jan/Feb. We did not insist on a deposit because he's paid a deposit on our TV console, he's a friend's cousin and he's a professional. I have started chasing for a deposit starting end Feb - I will give him a call to remind about payment almost like every week. I had to leave in mid-March for a short trip home so we agreed that he'll show up on a certain date and pass the cash to hubby, which he didn't. Hubby called during my absence and our friend, who also bought some things from us, promised to turn up one weekend with him. No sign of them.

When I came back early April, I contacted the lawyer again. He promised to come with the cash the next day - no show, not returning/picking up my calls or SMS. Finally heard from him 2 days after our initial contact. His words "Sorry due to unavoidable circumstances, I have decided not to take the sofa" WTF! MotherF*!£$-er. That was last week! How the hell did he expect me to sell my sofa at such short notice? Well apparently, he did! And apparently, it's not at all possible to sell at such short notice! A week to our departure and we're still in possession of that bloody sofa! Freak freak freak freak!!!!!!!!!!!!

He came yesterday (Thursday) insisting on collecting his TV console (which in the end, I allowed him to cart it away) even though I clearly mentioned the deadline to pay up is Wednesday. He sent me an SMS on Tuesday saying he'll be here on Wed otherwise, latest 2pm Thursday. I had a lady waiting in line for the console and at 3pm when there was no sign of the lawyer, I told the lady it's hers but at 4pm, this idiot turned up. I offered to return his deposit to him even though I mentioned deposit will be forfeited but no, he insisted he wants it and threatens that he's a lawyer. Sadly, I had to turn the lady down - sorry.....

Now 2nd incident

When the lawyer came to my place for the console (yes the same idiot), he brought with him a colleague to help with the move. I am guessing this guy works for the lawyer. Anyway, lawyer left him and the pick-up van's driver to move while he sits comfortably in his Merc. When they came to move the last piece of the console, office guy actually said to me - "You look lonely" FREAK FREAK FREAK! I was like WTF? I said to him "I'm waiting for you to move the damn thing out - I need to clean the place so be quick"

When I called hubby to let him know that lawyer is coming over, hubby was all flustered and worried. He was worried about my safety most of all - that I'm alone dealing with the jerk and the men he'll bring with him, mostly because of the brushes that we've had. He told me to open all windows and leave the door open while they are around and keep a pocket knife with me. Initially I thought hubby was getting overly worried but after that guy asked me if I'm lonely, I thought hey hubby's right!

When hubby got back, he didn't even put his bags down and came rushing to the room to check if I'm OK. And boy was he worried about me coz he wasn't smiling like he always does and the moment he saw me, he hugged me so tight I was damn sure I was gonna lose all the 1kg I have put on so far and more! 

So yeah - these are the 2 main incidents and there are many more - like people calling you to tell you they want to buy something from you at this price and they will be here the next day at this time. Not only do they not turn up but they also try all their might to avoid you. Unbelievable how irresponsible they are. If you don't want it anymore, just say so. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Busy but still have enough time to be pissed

Yes I am pissed! Pissed pissed pissed! Even when I'm almost leaving, the Kenyans can't leave me something good about them to remember - they have to yet again prove to me that it's a right choice to leave this idiotic country. Totally no sense or responsibility and ownership.....including professionals! Urgh! I am so pissed I don't even wanna talk about it now. Watch for next post....

So busy packing! Don't even know where to start - am now packing for flea market this Saturday then will have open house all of next week for neighbours in the same compound to come pick the left-overs then we'll see what's left. I have totally no idea what we'll do with left-overs. Won't be bringing much in LCL because hubby came back with one quotation and it costs whopping USD510/cbm not including local charges at destination! OMG.....*faint* I had 17cbm from Italy to Kenya and trust me that is NOT a I took 20cbm and we end up with USD10,200!!!! *faint faint faint* Waiting for another company to come on Tuesday for pre-removal survey.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Final weeks in Kenya - almost time to say goodbye

Back in Nairobi (Friday, 09 April) after spending 3 weeks back home. It's been a good trip on both personal and career/professional level. Managed to squeeze in an interview the day before my flight and it went well. Waiting for them to get back to me if I get shortlisted for the final 4. From there, they will choose 1. There are a couple of issues we need to straighten out about the job as well so we'll see.

Only 18 days to go before we're packing up and leaving the place I've called home for the past 2 years for good. I leave on exactly on the 730th day since I stepped foot in Nairobi and called the city home. As I pack up our belongings (yes I have started packing), memories started coming back. This place has both bitter and sweet memories - this place also changed my life, in a way. Although I'm glad to be leaving Kenya, I'm also feeling sad because I'm leaving. It's so hard to describe. Looking back I think only Moscow made me feel close to how I am feeling now - not exactly, just similar. I think I am feeling more sadness leaving here than Moscow - those who knows me well will know why I'm sad about going back =)

Anyway, looking forward to the change back home. Nervous for sure but it'll definitely be for the better. Argh I should continue packing and stop slacking!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Best of both worlds

Whee! I won't have to change my flight (and pay an additional USD50) PLUS I'll get to attend the interview too! I didn't manage to speak to him on the phone but he replied my email and interview will be tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm in Bugis. It's like so so near where I stayed last week when I visited. It's 5 minutes walk! Man, should have sent my application before I visited Singapore last week. Procrastinated that's why....sigh.....If I had not procrastinate then I wouldn't have to tell the hiring manager "sorry, cannot Friday ah"

I went to the company's website and saw the hiring manager's picture....ermm....scared and nervous leh after seeing his picture. I also saw the picture of a girl in that position I applied for - I wonder if they are expanding or if this girl is leaving (left) the company. But whatever it is, get any job first it or not we'll decide later. At least with a job, I can take my time to look for a better job if I don't like this one. Speaking like the job's mine! Hahahaha.....

Anyway wish me luck! Knowing that I have a job waiting for me (if I do get it) makes everything looks more hopeful and less stressful.

**I must stop blogging now because I'm not making any sense.....if anybody can make any sense of the above, give yourself a big round of applause.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Choices choices choices - coincidence coincidence coincidence...STRESS!

I got an interview! So happy but then again stress....not because I have to go through the whole process of being interviewed again but because the hiring manager has asked me to be interviewed on Friday, the same day I'm supposed to catch my flight back to Nairobi! Gosh!

He tried calling me but seeing that we've already progressed into the afternoon, I changed my Singapore number out and in with my Malaysian number and he missed me by THAT much.....sigh....but I have to say he was nice enough to even bother to write me an email asking if I'm available for a short interview this week and that's when he suggested Friday. I replied asking if Thursday is alright instead coz I'll be out for a short trip on Friday - should have added I can change my flight if it's not convenient for him KLUTZ! - and I also asked if it will be in the office or over the phone coz he never mentioned and I didn't want to assume. You might think "DUH of course in the office" and yes, I know that's the norm but I just want to be sure and maybe also to give him the idea that phone interview might also work =p Hmmm...I wonder if he knows that I'm a Malaysian and if he does employ me, he will have to get me a work permit....

This is a good company and coincidentally (like as if there isn't enough coincidence already) it is a DANISH company. *waves hands in the air* what is it with me and Danes???

I have told hubby the news - he is torn between the two - me going back later (possibility) and possibility of me getting the job but of course no matter how much he misses me, we both know that the interview is the most important, hands down. I dunno if I should write another email to the hiring manager to reinforce what I have written earlier cz I don't wanna sound desperate but I also don't want him to have a bad impression of me even before meeting me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Haircut

Got a new haircut 2 days ago. It's so hot this part of the world that I just couldn't have it long....I wonder how I did it last time. I used to have very very long hair and I don't use to tie it up too - I just leave it flowing.....Apart from that, hubby also loves it when I have short hair.

I feel so much better and so much younger now that I have it short. Before, I was looking so ah-soh! I will have it tied up in a ponytail even though it is not long enough to be in a ponytail so you can imagine how messy and untidy I look. And to make things worse, I have my fringe pinned. Man....nobody would have guessed I'm in the fashion business by looking at me a week ago! And nobody will dare to buy from me if they had seen me then. What a fashion disaster but it was too hot to care. And now - I'm back! Hehehehe

Nice?? Hubby says still too long.....what do you think? My hairdresser, when he started, said he's going to give me a new style. He has been giving me the bob the past 2 times I visited but this time he's going to give me short layered, full-body short. Erm....what is the difference ah? I think I still have the same style as I've had, bob or not.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I have only posted one entry since I came back to Malaysia? What? Are you serious? Sorry sorry - totally forgotten all about my blog huh? What have I been up to - hmm - let's see.....NOTHING! Muahahaha... honestly, nothing. I have applied a couple of jobs here and there but that's about it. Oh of course I have sold quite a number of pieces of clothes from Nelanz Store. My sleeping patterns have become really erratic - I am still keeping to Nairobi's sleeping and waking hour. I have to pat myself on the back for this. Quite an achievement huh? =p

It's almost time for me to fly back to Nairobi. Have booked my tickets for coming Friday. Going back for 2 weeks ++ then will come back with hubby for good (figure of speech coz I don't wish to be back in this part of the world for good).