Friday, January 8, 2010

What is becoming of Malaysia??

Edit: I have copied this excerpt from The Star newspaper: Certain Muslims are unhappy over the recent High Court decision allowing the Catholic weekly publication the Herald to use the word “Allah” as a translation for God in its Malay-language edition.

After Friday prayers, a few held demonstrations at 10 mosques around the country protesting the court decision.
OK I admit that I'm not the most patriotic Malaysian you'll ever know but in a way, that is still where I was born and raised. I started to dislike Malaysia, not as a place (it's a beautiful land really), but as a country with its governing powers when I was into my teens. The feeling of dislike increased when I started working and then got worst when I lived overseas. And now, the dislike is at the ultimate peak (maybe not the ultimate yet cz I believe the government and the people is capable of pushing the dislike further up)

I woke up to the news today that 3 churches were torched by muslims in the Kuala Lumpur today (nation's capital). I have not been following the events leading up to this unfortunate event but I have an idea which might have caused them - it's the usage of the word Allah by The Herald.

To be fair to these "extremists", I have no idea what context did The Herald use the word Allah in (The Herald is a Catholic publication) but people started protesting and requesting the ban of use of the word by non-muslims. But most religious clerics and even Malaysia's extremist religious political party has stepped out to confirm that the word Allah is free for all to use. And because of something so minute, people starts torching churches. What is the logic behind this? Is this the act of educated and rational people? Is this how the muslims are promoting the goodness of this religion?

Actually why did they rebel now??? The word Allah is contained in the state anthem of Johor and the state of Selangor. It is being sung every Monday mornings in all schools. So why hasn't anybody protested that the word Allah is being mentioned by non-muslims every week?? Why are these non-muslim students allowed to sing the state anthems with no fuss at all??? This is all because it's been accepted and people don't realise that "yes, non-muslims has been mentioning the word Allah for years". So if you're bored or don't have a proper job or just finding fault - go get a life. And yes, accept it, the word Allah has been mentioned for years by EVERYONE at some point! Face it!

No offense to anyone reading. I personally believe that all religion teaches one to be good in all aspects of life. Islam is no different and in fact, if Christianity and Islam stems from the same basic teachings. Do you know that in Islam, they have had 3 holy books before the Quran and Bible was one of them??  (Don't hate me if I'm wrong here but this was what I was told by my Muslim friends) So I believe the main objective of all the Muslim martyrs out there is to spread the word of Islam and the goodness of Islam but have they really sat down t think - is this really how they want to do it? Is this the right way to potray themselves and the religion??? Have they really sit down to think why the general global population now links the word Islam directly to terrorism???

I'm extremely sad to know that this is happening in my own country of birth. Malaysia has come a long way to achieve harmony between its many races and religion (recall May 13th incident) - it was actually one of the few things which I'm really proud of being a Malaysian. Which other country is a truly multi-racial country and has its people living in perfect harmony??? It is also sad to see the efforts of our past leaders going down the drain - their efforts of keeping harmony etc.

What I see now of my country is that it is going down the drains. The government is not longer able to control its people. Actually, they can't even control themselves! Malaysia is on a reverse gear, undoing everything Tun Mahathir had done and envisioned. Despite what everybody says about him and bad publicity about how corrupt, abuse of power etc nobody and I do mean NOBODY can deny what he's done for Malaysia - putting Malaysia on the world map and also his visions. He is a visionary. 2020?? Forget it, dream on. Malaysia has never been able to reach the 2nd world or developed world classification. The best and the current level it's at, 2.5 World but I believe in no time, it's going to slip back to being a 3rd World Country. And yes, I am serious, there is such classifcation as 2.5 World (a friend working with the United Nations told me) We have come a long way since 70's - I see it now in Africa. They are at where Malaysia was 30 years ago but Malaysia will soon slide and fall back to the same place. My friends, those in politics, told me that this is only a phase. All countries on their way up will have to go through this phase. Really?? I don't remember Singapore going through such phase. And I do think that this phase is getting worse so it ain't just a phase anymore. It's more than that now.

I might not care anymore because it is my aim to get out of the country - to leave the country because that is not a place you want to become your own boss or to raise a family. That is a place for retirement or if you're super blardy rich. There is no equality and the standard of living is too damn high. You don't get anything for your dollar! BUT having said that, God save Malaysia - I still have my family living there and my friends. So yes, I do want to see Malaysia well again, revived to its glory again, for the sake of my loved ones.

Now I'm only praying very hard that there will not be a backlash.


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