Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So lazyyy!!!!

Gosh I have been sooooo lazy since the Christmas holidays! Have not been able to recover and start to get back to my normal routine. What am I going to do! I have tons of work to do like revamping Nelanz, updating new products on Nelanz, final touches on Lil' Pixies and of course, study! But but I have done none of those since no no I must get myself up and running again. These are desperate times. I must force myself - I think I'd have to start chanting a mantra or something everyday when I wake up to make sure I get those things done.

I have only just started studying again yesterday. Am doing my revisions now and MUST, no matter what, finish my exams by end of Feb. Then the new products in Nelanz - I MUST get them done by this weekend. I have to first delete the old pre-order items (why can't somebody write a code for deleting multiple items at once - urgh!). Lil' Pixies and moving my website to a new shopping cart will have to wait a little bit. I need also to clear my old laptop - save all the URLs I need and backup EVERYTHING! The buyer will be collecting the laptop at the end of the month.

These are just the few things I need to do! I have the housework to do, clothes to iron bla bla bla. Crazy right?? And what exactly have I been up to then?? I have been spending all my time on Facebook (games), reading my storybooks (which I shouldn't until after exams but I can't keep my hands of them) and watching DVDs. That's basically my daily routine - not taking into account me falling asleep the moment I pick up my textbook or eating or cooking etc. And hubby is not helping! When I mention I need to study and not be playing games, he'll say "it's ok, give yourself a break" Thing is I have had too many breaks!! He encouraged me to break for Christmas and New Year and now I am struggling to pick up from where I left off! -_-"

HELP!!!! Facebook should ban all games! Hahahaha


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