Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Google Nexus One unveiled

Google's version of iPhone will be unveiled on Tuesday, ie today. Nexus one is a thin, touch-screen built to Google's specifications and made by Taiwanese maker HTC to rival iPhone.

Having known the phones by HTC, I can safely say iPhone win hands-down. There isn't any contest at all. Although made to Google's specifications, the hardware itself is still HTC's technology. Hubby has owned 2 HTC phones so far and none of them can come even close to iPhone's hardware technology. The most obvious between the two is the touch screen, which is the most important feature/functionality for touch-screen phones. HTC's touch-screen is extremely difficult to use and there's a response time lag whereas iPhone's touch-screen is just perfect. I have not yet come across a touch-screen which can rival iPhone's.

Aesthetic wise, Nexus One is just a plain looking Jane if put beside iPhone. It looks like any other HTC phones. Nothing special and not captivating at all. Technology wise, I will not know as I have not tested the Nexus One but personally, I think it is the platform for Google to go big with its Android OS, which by the way, will make its way into our desktops and laptops by this year too.

Hubby and I do not think that Nexus One can come even close to rival iPhone. It will just be another smartphone on the market although this phone will be marketed and sold by Google to the consumers directly. I guess the only big catch here is "ooohhhh...it's Google" otherwise I cannot see why people will choose this over any other smartphone and definitely not over iPhone.  I know I won't. I know I will not touch any phones from HTC for a long long time. I doubt hubby will as well.

While I'm on the tech topic, WiMax will be out this year in Malaysia!!! Wheee.....!!! Watch out for it. And we know iPhone 4G is on its way too :)


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