Friday, January 15, 2010

Longest Solar Eclipse of the Century - 15 Jan 2010

Saw the first eclipse of my life today!!!!! I woke up late today and had to rush to get hubby's sandwich done before he goes to work. The first thing that came into my mind - why is it so dark today? No wonder I overslept.

It was really extremely dark. It's even darker than those days when it's raining. Anyway, I was still very blur - not fully awake yet. Then on his way to the office, hubby called. He told me to get outside and see if I can spot the eclipse - it's already 1/2 way through, we've missed the full eclipse and now to catch the final half of what is left.

The first thing that came into my mind was to grab my camera and I went out to our balcony - took me a blardy 5 minutes to find it. The sun was hidden behind the building and it was damn cloudy. Actually, has anyone notice that whenever there is an eclipse, it's almost always going to be cloudy??? I had a damn good view, box seats if you may, of the eclipse and when I'm done admiring the wonder of it I brought out my camera and damn, the clouds started moving in. I was only able to take a couple of pictures before they moved in permanently.

After a while, at a little after 10am, I went out again when I saw the sun starting to shine hoping to catch what is left of the eclipse but unfortunately, light from the sun is too strong. Even with the clouds, the glare alone was unbelievable. I was tearing all the way while staring into my camera. That was how strong our sun is and that is why you're asked never to stare into the sun directly. Apart from it is almost impossible to open your eyes to stare at it, it will definitely blind you. Mind you, I was tearing hopelessly even through my camera lens and with the clouds hiding the sun behind it. Image what happens if there isn't any camera lens or cloud between us? But for the sake of capturing the moment, I held on to finally take a couple of pics.

This also happens to be the very first solar eclipse I have ever witnessed in my entire life. Not sure there's more to come but I'm glad I had at least this one time to admire the wonder and beauty of it. It's amazing how, before I have ever seen one, I always think oh it's just the moon covering the sun - what's the big deal? But when you really get to see it, it's really beautiful and it is a wonder. And it's even more amazing to know that millions of others are probably seeing the same phenomenon right now but in different parts of the world. Some might realise what's happening, some might not and go about doing their daily chores. Even hubby and I, we were looking at the phenomenon from different locations - I from our balcony and he from his car. I am very sure that a lot of people did not realise that an eclipse was taking place - I was observing people around me while waiting for the cloud to pass that they were just doing what they do everyday, even the security guard of my compound until he saw me taking pictures of the sky. I bet for one second he must be wondering what this idiot is doing taking pictures of a gloomy sky :)

Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

 At 9.20am, right after the call from hubby asking me to get out coz there's a solar eclipse taking place right now.

See the moon on its way out already. We missed the full eclipse. This eclipse started at 8am and was over at 10.30am, thereabouts.

This is 9.45am - as you can see the sun is getting brighter and this is when my eyes started tearing. You can see the difference between the upper pic and lower pic how the sun is getting stronger again.

Thank goodness the clouds are back.....for a while....

And the finale.......which almost blinded me!!!!

This was taken at don't stare too long at it. Even though this is a pic, it will hurt your eyes.



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