Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Welcome 2010!!

Sorry I'm late with my wishes - been too busy playing Facebook applications. *shy* Since Thursday, been sitting on the couch with my laptop on my lap with hubby beside me doing exactly the same thing for at least 6 hours a day! I'm playing Facebook games but what about hubby?? He too!!!! :p

He never thought of joining Facebook coz he said it's just another social network and he's tired of joining social networks. But that was before he saw me playing with Cafe World and FarmVille. The day after I started on my MBP, he joined Facebook just so he can play FarmVille too! Unbelievable? I know right!!!! He's a bigger addict than I am. I'm just playing for the sake of playing but he's totally addicted - like not wanting me to play just because I'm a level higher or keeps looking over and making comments about how unfair it is my scores are just climbing while he's trying very hard to catch up. All in all, a sore loser and a kiasu.

Apart from Facebook, we only had 4 hours of mahjong so far. Pretty shocking huh? Such a short mahjong session! And during our game, hubby kept running between the mahjong table and his laptop just to check on his plants  -_-" He said he wants to quit to become a "farmer" full time. And says I shouldn't play during weekends because that's the time he can catch up. I have all the time in the world when he's working.

Anyway, today's Saturday and tomorrow is the end of the weekend. Looks like a pretty boring weekend. I need to start studying and working on Nelanz and Lil' Pixies. I have to stop procrastinating. Very bad very bad.....

I hope all of you out there had a good start to 2010 and had a blast welcoming the new year.


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