Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Boyzone fan classic

Edit: Sorry I didn't notice that I have embedded the wrong video....this is the correct one.

I was watching the MV for Boyzone's latest single and then decided to browse You Tube for other Boyzone stuff.....see anything interesting comes up and look what I've found??? I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, have forgotten all about this collaboration between Boyzone and a French band, Alliage.

While watching the MV, all memories came flooding back. The images of my sister and I singing to this song when we don't know a word of French, how we were trying to locate this song coz it didn't make it big.....and something I'm trying to remember - how did we stumble upon this song??? It definitely is not on any of their CDs. And good Lord, I still remember the lyrics to the song!!!!



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