Friday, January 29, 2010

Going insane!

How can some people be soo childish, self-centred and stubborn I do not know. It's someone I know who likes a girl extremely close to me too. Mr A has made life hell for Miss A for a good couple of weeks before Miss A could take it no longer and gave him a long email reply - telling him once and for all that they will remain friends, that it is IMPOSSIBLE between the 2 of them. I told Miss A that was all Mr A needed to move on with life coz Mr A told me so.

Now that the email is sent, Mr A still isn't letting go. He said Miss A did not sound ok in her email to him and he's contemplating to to fly to Miss A (both As are not in the same country) to apologize to her in person coz he thinks he's pissed her off somehow. Mr A says he cannot live in peace if he knows things are not OK between the two of them. No matter how much I told him that it's OK, only time will heal he will not listen. To me, Mr A is expecting things to be 100% back to how it was overnight which is impossible. Mr A still doesn't feel right and he wants to do whatever his heart tells him to until he finally feels ok even if it means pissing more people off or making Miss A's life even more miserable. No matter what I say or Miss A says, I doubt Mr A will feel ok until he makes it a point to. For goodness sakes, it took me 2 years to get over one of my relationship but that doesn't mean my life has to stop at that moment in self pity right???

There was a lot of things Mr A says and every sentence, I'll give him an explanation or reason not to fly to Miss A and make things worse than it already is. But finally, after 2 hours of trying to make him see sense (although I'm extremely super duper sure he still doesn't agree with me), he finally agreed that i know Miss A better than he does and he'll take my advice to let it go for now. That doesn't mean he's feeling fine now, only he won't approach Miss A. I asked Mr A why can't he take Miss A's word for what it is? If Miss A says everything is A-OK, then just take it as it is. Why imagine things and trying to convince himself that things are not OK? Because he knows......what a full load of nonsense!

I just hope that he doesn't come up with another reason why he's depressed or why he should speak to Miss A again in another day or 2. I always get new stuff like this every other day! It seems to me that Mr A has nothing to do except thinking about Miss A and how to get her attention. He sure has her full attention now and not in a good way.

Get a life Mr A!


MinnieMoose said...

Men always think they know ^o)
HEY! lets go to HK together again one day... i tak jadi shop lah..... bo lui.. but my colleagues alrd told me where to go :D

Ann said...

Yup! When I go back....can do a weekend shopping and eating trip.... yum *drool*

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