Friday, January 29, 2010

More potential victims?

Remember my Nigerian scam which I posted in a few parts a while ago? I have a feeling that Mr Logan Smith is still on the prowl for more people to have for his emails! I realised that there have are people who tumbled upon my blog by Googling the word which is the exact same email Mr Logan Smith used on me.

Time to change email address Mr Smith! And watch out you guys - he hasn't given up yet!

Going insane!

How can some people be soo childish, self-centred and stubborn I do not know. It's someone I know who likes a girl extremely close to me too. Mr A has made life hell for Miss A for a good couple of weeks before Miss A could take it no longer and gave him a long email reply - telling him once and for all that they will remain friends, that it is IMPOSSIBLE between the 2 of them. I told Miss A that was all Mr A needed to move on with life coz Mr A told me so.

Now that the email is sent, Mr A still isn't letting go. He said Miss A did not sound ok in her email to him and he's contemplating to to fly to Miss A (both As are not in the same country) to apologize to her in person coz he thinks he's pissed her off somehow. Mr A says he cannot live in peace if he knows things are not OK between the two of them. No matter how much I told him that it's OK, only time will heal he will not listen. To me, Mr A is expecting things to be 100% back to how it was overnight which is impossible. Mr A still doesn't feel right and he wants to do whatever his heart tells him to until he finally feels ok even if it means pissing more people off or making Miss A's life even more miserable. No matter what I say or Miss A says, I doubt Mr A will feel ok until he makes it a point to. For goodness sakes, it took me 2 years to get over one of my relationship but that doesn't mean my life has to stop at that moment in self pity right???

There was a lot of things Mr A says and every sentence, I'll give him an explanation or reason not to fly to Miss A and make things worse than it already is. But finally, after 2 hours of trying to make him see sense (although I'm extremely super duper sure he still doesn't agree with me), he finally agreed that i know Miss A better than he does and he'll take my advice to let it go for now. That doesn't mean he's feeling fine now, only he won't approach Miss A. I asked Mr A why can't he take Miss A's word for what it is? If Miss A says everything is A-OK, then just take it as it is. Why imagine things and trying to convince himself that things are not OK? Because he knows......what a full load of nonsense!

I just hope that he doesn't come up with another reason why he's depressed or why he should speak to Miss A again in another day or 2. I always get new stuff like this every other day! It seems to me that Mr A has nothing to do except thinking about Miss A and how to get her attention. He sure has her full attention now and not in a good way.

Get a life Mr A!

Quiet CNY?

Friends are starting to leave Nairobi today back to their respective sad......does that mean the CNY this year will be a quiet affair?? Will we have friends organising open house like the previous years? 3 are leaving today with more to go in the coming mahjong, no makan makan, no poker nights, NOTHING! :'(

But then again, we won't know till we're closer to CNY right? We have Malaysian friends here who are married and settled here. So maybe there will be some sort of open house after all? Let's just wait and see.....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Has anyone seen the new iPad?? I love it! It's basically the giant version of iPod.....Now to wait for the price in SG/MY and the reviews!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Feedjit crazy???

I suspect that my Feedjit application has gone a litte crazy. I don't think it's feeding the correct traffic feed. I've only visited my blog for the first time today but it says this is my 4th time today on my blog. -_-"
Anybody having the same problems? Anybody knows an alternative???

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Boyzone fan classic

Edit: Sorry I didn't notice that I have embedded the wrong video....this is the correct one.

I was watching the MV for Boyzone's latest single and then decided to browse You Tube for other Boyzone stuff.....see anything interesting comes up and look what I've found??? I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, have forgotten all about this collaboration between Boyzone and a French band, Alliage.

While watching the MV, all memories came flooding back. The images of my sister and I singing to this song when we don't know a word of French, how we were trying to locate this song coz it didn't make it big.....and something I'm trying to remember - how did we stumble upon this song??? It definitely is not on any of their CDs. And good Lord, I still remember the lyrics to the song!!!!


The most emotional video yet

This is the MV of Boyzone's latest single. Song features the voice of Stephen Gately. Not sure but this could be the only song you'll hear his voice on. Song is written by Mika.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Avatar again....

Erm...ok, I have to warn any of you who has read my post yesterday about how good Avatar is to watch it at your own risk. It's been reported that watching Avatar actually causes depression and suicidal thoughts. There're even help forums for it - the most popular being "Ways to Cope with Depression of the Dream of Pandora Being Intangible"!!

So yeah, people are depressed because Pandora seemed such a great place to live in compared to our planet Earth.

Anyway read the full report here 

Monday, January 18, 2010

Avatar Wins!

Avatar triumphs at the Golden Globe Awards yesterday. Well done but Avatar is definitely worth all the hype and recognition. I hope all of you have watched it. It is definitely on of the few movies that one cannot miss - if there's 3D in your area, got catch the 3D version. I promise you, you will not regret paying a little more.

Everyone says last night's Golden Globe is a repeat of what James Cameron (the director) achieved with Titanic 12 years ago. Well, I must say in my humble personal opinion that James Cameron DID NOT repeat Titanic achieved 12 years ago but better. At least I watched Avatar but not Titanic. Ah ah no no, not even once!!! OK, 10 minutes - I watched Titanic for 10 minutes on a DVD on my computer. I did not even bother going to the cinema. So what happened? Why only 10 minutes? It was way too boring. It did not manage to catch my attention. It did not keep me long enough to see why James Cameron spent so much money on this movie and what captivated the world. Or why my sister, after coming back from the movie, cried when the song My Hear Will Go On played on radio which, by the way, I think is extremely funny!

I mean crying at movies or when you read, fine. I might be able to understand why. But crying when you hear the theme song to the movie which you have just cried to??? it's just a SONG! The song ain't even sad. The lyrics, the music ain't even sad! But my sister told me because she remembered the scenes from the movie.......-_-" I bet this is something I would never ever understand in my lifetime. Hell, I can't even comprehend crying in movies!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Longest Solar Eclipse of the Century - 15 Jan 2010

Saw the first eclipse of my life today!!!!! I woke up late today and had to rush to get hubby's sandwich done before he goes to work. The first thing that came into my mind - why is it so dark today? No wonder I overslept.

It was really extremely dark. It's even darker than those days when it's raining. Anyway, I was still very blur - not fully awake yet. Then on his way to the office, hubby called. He told me to get outside and see if I can spot the eclipse - it's already 1/2 way through, we've missed the full eclipse and now to catch the final half of what is left.

The first thing that came into my mind was to grab my camera and I went out to our balcony - took me a blardy 5 minutes to find it. The sun was hidden behind the building and it was damn cloudy. Actually, has anyone notice that whenever there is an eclipse, it's almost always going to be cloudy??? I had a damn good view, box seats if you may, of the eclipse and when I'm done admiring the wonder of it I brought out my camera and damn, the clouds started moving in. I was only able to take a couple of pictures before they moved in permanently.

After a while, at a little after 10am, I went out again when I saw the sun starting to shine hoping to catch what is left of the eclipse but unfortunately, light from the sun is too strong. Even with the clouds, the glare alone was unbelievable. I was tearing all the way while staring into my camera. That was how strong our sun is and that is why you're asked never to stare into the sun directly. Apart from it is almost impossible to open your eyes to stare at it, it will definitely blind you. Mind you, I was tearing hopelessly even through my camera lens and with the clouds hiding the sun behind it. Image what happens if there isn't any camera lens or cloud between us? But for the sake of capturing the moment, I held on to finally take a couple of pics.

This also happens to be the very first solar eclipse I have ever witnessed in my entire life. Not sure there's more to come but I'm glad I had at least this one time to admire the wonder and beauty of it. It's amazing how, before I have ever seen one, I always think oh it's just the moon covering the sun - what's the big deal? But when you really get to see it, it's really beautiful and it is a wonder. And it's even more amazing to know that millions of others are probably seeing the same phenomenon right now but in different parts of the world. Some might realise what's happening, some might not and go about doing their daily chores. Even hubby and I, we were looking at the phenomenon from different locations - I from our balcony and he from his car. I am very sure that a lot of people did not realise that an eclipse was taking place - I was observing people around me while waiting for the cloud to pass that they were just doing what they do everyday, even the security guard of my compound until he saw me taking pictures of the sky. I bet for one second he must be wondering what this idiot is doing taking pictures of a gloomy sky :)

Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

 At 9.20am, right after the call from hubby asking me to get out coz there's a solar eclipse taking place right now.

See the moon on its way out already. We missed the full eclipse. This eclipse started at 8am and was over at 10.30am, thereabouts.

This is 9.45am - as you can see the sun is getting brighter and this is when my eyes started tearing. You can see the difference between the upper pic and lower pic how the sun is getting stronger again.

Thank goodness the clouds are back.....for a while....

And the finale.......which almost blinded me!!!!

This was taken at don't stare too long at it. Even though this is a pic, it will hurt your eyes.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So lazyyy!!!!

Gosh I have been sooooo lazy since the Christmas holidays! Have not been able to recover and start to get back to my normal routine. What am I going to do! I have tons of work to do like revamping Nelanz, updating new products on Nelanz, final touches on Lil' Pixies and of course, study! But but I have done none of those since no no I must get myself up and running again. These are desperate times. I must force myself - I think I'd have to start chanting a mantra or something everyday when I wake up to make sure I get those things done.

I have only just started studying again yesterday. Am doing my revisions now and MUST, no matter what, finish my exams by end of Feb. Then the new products in Nelanz - I MUST get them done by this weekend. I have to first delete the old pre-order items (why can't somebody write a code for deleting multiple items at once - urgh!). Lil' Pixies and moving my website to a new shopping cart will have to wait a little bit. I need also to clear my old laptop - save all the URLs I need and backup EVERYTHING! The buyer will be collecting the laptop at the end of the month.

These are just the few things I need to do! I have the housework to do, clothes to iron bla bla bla. Crazy right?? And what exactly have I been up to then?? I have been spending all my time on Facebook (games), reading my storybooks (which I shouldn't until after exams but I can't keep my hands of them) and watching DVDs. That's basically my daily routine - not taking into account me falling asleep the moment I pick up my textbook or eating or cooking etc. And hubby is not helping! When I mention I need to study and not be playing games, he'll say "it's ok, give yourself a break" Thing is I have had too many breaks!! He encouraged me to break for Christmas and New Year and now I am struggling to pick up from where I left off! -_-"

HELP!!!! Facebook should ban all games! Hahahaha

Friday, January 8, 2010

What is becoming of Malaysia??

Edit: I have copied this excerpt from The Star newspaper: Certain Muslims are unhappy over the recent High Court decision allowing the Catholic weekly publication the Herald to use the word “Allah” as a translation for God in its Malay-language edition.

After Friday prayers, a few held demonstrations at 10 mosques around the country protesting the court decision.
OK I admit that I'm not the most patriotic Malaysian you'll ever know but in a way, that is still where I was born and raised. I started to dislike Malaysia, not as a place (it's a beautiful land really), but as a country with its governing powers when I was into my teens. The feeling of dislike increased when I started working and then got worst when I lived overseas. And now, the dislike is at the ultimate peak (maybe not the ultimate yet cz I believe the government and the people is capable of pushing the dislike further up)

I woke up to the news today that 3 churches were torched by muslims in the Kuala Lumpur today (nation's capital). I have not been following the events leading up to this unfortunate event but I have an idea which might have caused them - it's the usage of the word Allah by The Herald.

To be fair to these "extremists", I have no idea what context did The Herald use the word Allah in (The Herald is a Catholic publication) but people started protesting and requesting the ban of use of the word by non-muslims. But most religious clerics and even Malaysia's extremist religious political party has stepped out to confirm that the word Allah is free for all to use. And because of something so minute, people starts torching churches. What is the logic behind this? Is this the act of educated and rational people? Is this how the muslims are promoting the goodness of this religion?

Actually why did they rebel now??? The word Allah is contained in the state anthem of Johor and the state of Selangor. It is being sung every Monday mornings in all schools. So why hasn't anybody protested that the word Allah is being mentioned by non-muslims every week?? Why are these non-muslim students allowed to sing the state anthems with no fuss at all??? This is all because it's been accepted and people don't realise that "yes, non-muslims has been mentioning the word Allah for years". So if you're bored or don't have a proper job or just finding fault - go get a life. And yes, accept it, the word Allah has been mentioned for years by EVERYONE at some point! Face it!

No offense to anyone reading. I personally believe that all religion teaches one to be good in all aspects of life. Islam is no different and in fact, if Christianity and Islam stems from the same basic teachings. Do you know that in Islam, they have had 3 holy books before the Quran and Bible was one of them??  (Don't hate me if I'm wrong here but this was what I was told by my Muslim friends) So I believe the main objective of all the Muslim martyrs out there is to spread the word of Islam and the goodness of Islam but have they really sat down t think - is this really how they want to do it? Is this the right way to potray themselves and the religion??? Have they really sit down to think why the general global population now links the word Islam directly to terrorism???

I'm extremely sad to know that this is happening in my own country of birth. Malaysia has come a long way to achieve harmony between its many races and religion (recall May 13th incident) - it was actually one of the few things which I'm really proud of being a Malaysian. Which other country is a truly multi-racial country and has its people living in perfect harmony??? It is also sad to see the efforts of our past leaders going down the drain - their efforts of keeping harmony etc.

What I see now of my country is that it is going down the drains. The government is not longer able to control its people. Actually, they can't even control themselves! Malaysia is on a reverse gear, undoing everything Tun Mahathir had done and envisioned. Despite what everybody says about him and bad publicity about how corrupt, abuse of power etc nobody and I do mean NOBODY can deny what he's done for Malaysia - putting Malaysia on the world map and also his visions. He is a visionary. 2020?? Forget it, dream on. Malaysia has never been able to reach the 2nd world or developed world classification. The best and the current level it's at, 2.5 World but I believe in no time, it's going to slip back to being a 3rd World Country. And yes, I am serious, there is such classifcation as 2.5 World (a friend working with the United Nations told me) We have come a long way since 70's - I see it now in Africa. They are at where Malaysia was 30 years ago but Malaysia will soon slide and fall back to the same place. My friends, those in politics, told me that this is only a phase. All countries on their way up will have to go through this phase. Really?? I don't remember Singapore going through such phase. And I do think that this phase is getting worse so it ain't just a phase anymore. It's more than that now.

I might not care anymore because it is my aim to get out of the country - to leave the country because that is not a place you want to become your own boss or to raise a family. That is a place for retirement or if you're super blardy rich. There is no equality and the standard of living is too damn high. You don't get anything for your dollar! BUT having said that, God save Malaysia - I still have my family living there and my friends. So yes, I do want to see Malaysia well again, revived to its glory again, for the sake of my loved ones.

Now I'm only praying very hard that there will not be a backlash.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Google Nexus One unveiled

Google's version of iPhone will be unveiled on Tuesday, ie today. Nexus one is a thin, touch-screen built to Google's specifications and made by Taiwanese maker HTC to rival iPhone.

Having known the phones by HTC, I can safely say iPhone win hands-down. There isn't any contest at all. Although made to Google's specifications, the hardware itself is still HTC's technology. Hubby has owned 2 HTC phones so far and none of them can come even close to iPhone's hardware technology. The most obvious between the two is the touch screen, which is the most important feature/functionality for touch-screen phones. HTC's touch-screen is extremely difficult to use and there's a response time lag whereas iPhone's touch-screen is just perfect. I have not yet come across a touch-screen which can rival iPhone's.

Aesthetic wise, Nexus One is just a plain looking Jane if put beside iPhone. It looks like any other HTC phones. Nothing special and not captivating at all. Technology wise, I will not know as I have not tested the Nexus One but personally, I think it is the platform for Google to go big with its Android OS, which by the way, will make its way into our desktops and laptops by this year too.

Hubby and I do not think that Nexus One can come even close to rival iPhone. It will just be another smartphone on the market although this phone will be marketed and sold by Google to the consumers directly. I guess the only big catch here is "'s Google" otherwise I cannot see why people will choose this over any other smartphone and definitely not over iPhone.  I know I won't. I know I will not touch any phones from HTC for a long long time. I doubt hubby will as well.

While I'm on the tech topic, WiMax will be out this year in Malaysia!!! Wheee.....!!! Watch out for it. And we know iPhone 4G is on its way too :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Welcome 2010!!

Sorry I'm late with my wishes - been too busy playing Facebook applications. *shy* Since Thursday, been sitting on the couch with my laptop on my lap with hubby beside me doing exactly the same thing for at least 6 hours a day! I'm playing Facebook games but what about hubby?? He too!!!! :p

He never thought of joining Facebook coz he said it's just another social network and he's tired of joining social networks. But that was before he saw me playing with Cafe World and FarmVille. The day after I started on my MBP, he joined Facebook just so he can play FarmVille too! Unbelievable? I know right!!!! He's a bigger addict than I am. I'm just playing for the sake of playing but he's totally addicted - like not wanting me to play just because I'm a level higher or keeps looking over and making comments about how unfair it is my scores are just climbing while he's trying very hard to catch up. All in all, a sore loser and a kiasu.

Apart from Facebook, we only had 4 hours of mahjong so far. Pretty shocking huh? Such a short mahjong session! And during our game, hubby kept running between the mahjong table and his laptop just to check on his plants  -_-" He said he wants to quit to become a "farmer" full time. And says I shouldn't play during weekends because that's the time he can catch up. I have all the time in the world when he's working.

Anyway, today's Saturday and tomorrow is the end of the weekend. Looks like a pretty boring weekend. I need to start studying and working on Nelanz and Lil' Pixies. I have to stop procrastinating. Very bad very bad.....

I hope all of you out there had a good start to 2010 and had a blast welcoming the new year.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Boring New Year's eve

It's been a long time since I've spent new year's eve at home and
right now, i'm sitting on my bed blogging. What a sad case. Totally
unbelievable! The last day of the year and welcoming the new year
bringing new hopes, and I'm at home?!? Urgh!!!!!!!

I bet next eve will be different. It'll be a blast cz by then i'll be
back in Singapore. It'll either be party with his friends or mine. Or
we attend separate parties.


Happy new year once again. Signing off for the last time in 2009. My
next post will be next year!!!!