Friday, March 5, 2010

Weekend Trip Tomorrow

Heading off to Mombasa tomorrow with hubby - finally! We've been planning to go for over a year already but our trips to Mombasa were always jinxed so I hope this time, we'll get to go after all. It's not confirm until we're actually there - really! The last time we planned, hubby fell ill the very morning we were supposed to leave. He was tired the day before, not ill, but when he woke up the morning we were suppose to leave, he had high temperature and a bad sore throat :s

We've booked ourselves into The Sands at Nomad, apparently the first boutique hotel in Kenya. Check it out here:

I've read reviews on Tripadvisor - not all are encouraging but I just hope we get the good rooms. Erm ok you will only get to see our room when I show you. Don't be blown away by the pictures - they are cottages and suites and what-not. We only have a sea breeze room, which is on the main building of the reception area and with PARTIAL sea view only.... ;p

So I'll be quiet for the next 3 days (we'll be back only on Monday) but I'll try to blog while I'm there too

Happy weekend! :)


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