Thursday, December 17, 2009


Calling all the Malaysians who are overstaying in Britain - GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE IF YOU DON'T HAVE PROPER DOCUMENTS TO ALLOW YOU TO WORK/LIVE THERE! You're causing a lot of trouble and problems for us, normal Malaysians. Because of you, we're running the risk of having to pay RM1,200 non-refundable visa processing fees from 2011! Yeah RM1,200 you heard right. Which other country charges that much??? Over a RM1000 for visa alone???? Plus air ticket? Forget about going there - I guess that is their aim by charging such exorbitant visa fees! And I thought US charges high fees......*roll eyes*

But then again, you can't blame it 100% on these people who overstay can you? I mean if where they come from has good administration, treats everybody equally, abundant of opportunities, etc - in short, good enough for them to stay back, why would they want to leave their family and friends behind and go somewhere to become an illegal? There are consequences that come with being illegal. Terrible consequences in fact - they might never be able to go home to their friends and family for a loooooooonnnnnngggggg time...I mean if they do, they run the risk of never be able to get into their host country anymore. I doubt after going through so much, they would want to risk that.

Then, the host country has also issues of their own. I mean you could easily extract entry information and compare with exit information right? It's not that difficult - it's just plain programming. The computer can do that for you. Oh yeah that's right, UK does NOT have an exit system do they? When you exit UK, there is nobody who looks at your passport, scans them, stamp on them and say OK you're out. Why? You have your own system to blame! I love the UK, don't get me wrong - it's one of the countries I really wanna go and make it my home (of course, I won't do it illegally) but since the first time I stepped onto UK soil, I have always wondered, how can they not have an exit system? Yeah I know you don't care who goes out of your country because that's what you want - people to go home so you don't want to control. But how can you then control who STAYS back and not leave? They cannot be caught unless shit happens - random checks on the streets etc.

Although US doesn't have the normal stamping-your-passport procedure also BUT they have at least some form of control. They are very smart - they "borrow" the ground staff to do this exiting work when you check-in. You don't show the immigration card, you don't get to check in. And if I remember correctly, there's some kind of bar code on the immigration card as well. In UK, none - I remember there's entrance immigration card but I don't remember any exit immigration card.

British government says illegals are taking over the jobs in UK so much so that their own people are unemployed. But wait a minute - think - why is that so? Maybe because these illegals are willing to work for a lower salary or they are willing to work in "non glamarous" jobs like cleaning the plates etc. Will the British be willing to do all these "dirty work" if not for the illegals/migrants? Don't forget, being an illegal, these people has no government's support. They cannot live a day without a job without jeopardizing themselves. No government will give them a minimal monthly allowance.

SO yeah, anyway, now I'm just worried about the EU following suit because someone did mention that if UK really implements visa requirements on Malaysians, EU will as well. I mean that's one bloody big continent! Where then is the glory of holding on to a Malaysian passport anymore? The old saying that one shouldn't give up their Malaysian citizenship because it is very hard to get and it's so convenient - you can go most places without visa. It was considered a prestige to be holding a Malaysian passport. Now - go to hell. What prestige is there? There's only shame with all these and the on-goings in our administration. It's really a shame being a Malaysian. To demonstrate - I met a Kenyan lawyer a week or 2 ago. The first thing he asked me when I told him I'm a Malaysian was "Oh how's Mahathir and the guy who sodomises people?" :s I mean, hellow???? Is that all you heard about Malaysia?? I mean do you really know if THAT guy sodomised anybody at all????

Whatever it is, I can't change where I was born some 20+ years ago now. If given a chance - I think I would jump at it even if it's just being a Singaporean. Ah well - after all is said and done, I'll be having dinner with the new Malaysian High Commissioner to Kenya tonight! He's just arrived. Let's see who and how he is!


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