Thursday, December 24, 2009

New Scam Method by Nigerians Part III

So my last post ended with my telling Mr Smith that he should cancel his payment immediately. 

I told hubby everything and he told me to make it even more fun - tell him that I know how urgent and important it is to him that this gift will get to his brother on time. Tell him I have sent the laptop already. I did exactly that before getting his reply to my email about him cancelling his payment. Anyway, I received his reply:

thanks but did you insure the item and please get back to me with the tracking number..

And guess what came with his reply? 2 more emails from "paypal". I don't believe there's someone who can be soooo stupid! I have already told you the first time that I believe that the PayPal notification is a fake and yet you send me the SAME notification, only this time with words and paypal logo. I lost one because I reported it as phishing to Gmail and they deleted the email from my inbox. But anyway the one I'm going to attach is the baby. 

Ladies and gentlemen, I reveal to you the new generation of "paypal" LOL:

This is part one of the mail - too long gotta shorten into parts also :p So I'll point out the signs by pictures.
1) Same sender, same header - we've already discussed this in Part II so I will not repeat it here oh but I have to add that email address from PayPal will ALWAYS be

2) This time with logo - Fuiyoh so real ah - but thing is, emails from PayPal will not have any logo unless it's advertisement or marketing emails. *Tsk tsk* 

3) Free money!! I'm $30 richer!! Where got people give free money one??? Our deal was for $800 and this payment is for $830! Christmas present for me? Extra bonus for me because I wrote him a lovely mail?? DUH!

What is wrong with this one then?
1) No purchased from

2) This payment notification looks more like an invoice! All these are wrong! Paypal's email is plain simple text. No fancy fancy stuff. This an HTML email. 

3) How the hell would PayPal know how I'm going to ship to the receiver? This is payment notification - not an invoice. And unless this is an invoice from MY business, there will not be Shipping Insurance printed. How the hell would PayPal know what this payment is for? So how the hell would PayPal know what to add??

1) The important note part is the biggest giveaway of all. There will not be such thing in ANY PayPal's emails. 

2) See Why would PayPal need a 3rd party to do their job when they are covered globally? Too much money to spend is it?

3) Anybody has sent money/paid for any purchases using PayPal before? Is there any way you can control when the money is paid to seller?? Answer is NO! The best you can do is, pay, wait and if you don't receive your purchase, report seller to PayPal. They will then start their investigation. There is NO WAY you can buy something without paying. Fuck the "to secure buyer and seller" clause. By using PayPal, both parties are already secured.

4) PayPal never refer to themselves as the PayPal Team. Yea yea yea.....and they DO NOT  publish any sort of Registration Number. 

5) PayPal will never lighten the last part of the footer by that much. 

6) Address status confirmed. What status? Confirm what??

This is what a authentic PayPal footer will look like:

See the difference? 

It's pretty real right?? The fake one even has a PayPal Email ID!!! I forwarded both emails to PayPal and they have confirm that these are fakes.


1) Again, we see hotmail here

2) There are too much space between the footer and this hotmail message. This will never happen in PayPal's emails. This could be intentional by the sender - it is really a long way down before you see this Hotmail message. You might not scroll all the way down from the end of the email - I guess if this is intentional, that is what they hope for that you know you've reached the end of the email so why continue scrolling and if you don't you won't see Hotmail at the end. 

I guess part IV will be the final part.....I'll show you what else he said and how else - if all else fails - you can trace if the email is what it says it is.


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