Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcoming 2010 and a brand new decade

It's the last day of 2009 today. What have we achieved in the last 365 days? What is good and what is bad? Were there more good days or bad days? What did we learn from it? What is to be improved, changed and what's to keep and take away? So many questions to ask, so many things to ponder.....

BUT keep it all for tomorrow! Just party hard today and get drunk. After all, all of us deserves it after a year of hard work and more of the same shit ahead of us. If there's a good day to get drunk, this is the day. What other day has a better excuse than today? Moreover, we're "celebrating" the end of one decade today. Another many have I gone through???? Urgh....scary.....not that many but enough to be scary.

We're supposed to drive down to a town in Tanzania tomorrow but just realised that there are something called the logbook which is locked with the company. We only have the copy and we must have the original to get pass the border of Kenya into Tanzania. And the keys to the cupboard is with the guy who has been on leave since 2 weeks ago :( Now gotta find out if a friend of ours is willing to "contribute" the use of his car instead of ours. He usually doesn't like taking his car on long trips coz its his own while ours belong to the company. If no trip, guess it's gonna be mahjong all weekend again. BORING!

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! And I hope 2010 is going to be a good year coz 2009 SUCKED BIG TIME ('cept grandma's birthday)!!!!!!


Tom Degan said...

I can remember exactly where I was when this awful decade came into being. Believe it or not, when I rang in the new year on January 1, 2000, I was not only stone-cold sober - I was at church! My then-girlfriend and I attended a special midnight mass at the local Catholic church to welcome in, not only a new decade, but a new century and a new millennium. I remember feeling filled with optimism. By entering this new era, I felt, we could wipe the slate clean. Maybe this would be a new age of peace, love, brother and sisterhood. EVERYBODY SING!

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius!
Age of Aquarius!

How utterly naive on my part, huh? By year's end, all of that hope was out the window and into the toilet. In December of 2000, an ideologically perverted Supreme Court would assist in a stolen election by stopping the vote count in the state of Florida, installing a corrupt little frat boy with the I.Q. of a half-eaten box of Milk Duds as president of the United States. It was all downhill from that moment on. From the birth of "Reality Television" to the worst attack on American soil since the Civil War, it was quite a strange ten years to say the least. Thankfully this awful decade is a mere three days away from being forever consigned to history's scrap heap. Hallelujah.

Tom Degan

Ann said...

Well I will pray that this decade will be much better for everyone then?? I believe we need to keep the faith and hope going.....not sure how but DON"T GIVE UP!


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