Monday, September 24, 2012

Macbook hospitalised

My beloved MacBook Pro of 3 years was hospitalised on Saturday :(

I was using it as usual on Thursday evening when suddenly my webpages stopped loading. Thought it's my connection again so I switched the airport off and on again. When I did that, it says AirPort card not installed. *Jeng jeng jeng* Then the batter turned red asking me to service the battery

Tried re-starting it but nothing happened. It still shows AirPort card not installed. *Jeng Jeng Jeng* So I turned my lappy off hoping that it must be tired and needed rest coz I left it on since Sunday. I only put it to sleep whenever I'm done because I didn't wanna lose the tabs I had opened. 

Friday was out all day and the first thing I did on Saturday morning when I woke up was to dash for my lappy. It wouldn't turn on!!!! The only thing I see appearing before my eyes was a white screen and a gray apple. Nothing happens after that.....tried a couple of times, same thing everytime.

Had to send it to "hospital" in the afternoon and when we were there, the lappy decided to turn itself on again! But airport card refused to wakeup still so my poor lappy has to be "warded". Now am just waiting for the call to see what exactly is wrong.

My dear lappy, I hope fixing you won't be too expensive!!!


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