Thursday, October 11, 2012

Australia next weekend

Finally - a holiday.....a long awaited holiday! Let's last holiday of the year.....Bali! OMG really are you serious? 

A lot of things need to be done before I fly - medical checkup (tomorrow), submit my medical report etc to complete my PR process, change money (sob sob) into Aussie dollars and Hong Kong dollars.

Nelson might not go - he hasn't decided. Whatever.....

I need to make sure all the important stuff at work are done before I leave. Quite scary if you ask me especially now that I do not have an assistant. I do not even dare to imagine if my mailbox will burst with emails when I return a week later but that's a thought for another day. I don't want to spoil my holiday. 

I just looked at my flight details - I'm actually regretting why I took such a late flight out of Australia (or is it the only?). I am arriving only 11.30pm Sunday night and I need to work the next day!!!! Argh stupid! Back to office for 2 days then it's off to Hong Kong. 

Busy times!


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