Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A PR today

I received my Singapore PR approval today! It isn't anything impressive to be offered the PR because to be honest, apart from being able to apply for any jobs in the market and have retirement fund contribution from the company, there is no other benefits by being a Singaporean PR.

Instead, I think there might be more disadvantages for those of us who would prefer to remain Malaysia or have no intentions of moving to Singapore. For example, I will never ever be allowed to drive a Malaysian car into Singapore for as long as I am still a PR. 

But what surprises me is the duration between application and being approved. I submitted my application on 15th August 2012 and was told that I will hear from them within 4 to 6 months. I have many friends who are now Singaporean PRs and the average waiting time is 4 months. But I got mine within a month! The letter was dated 17th September and I received it today! A colleague applied for hers back in January and received her letter only mid-May.

Whatever the reason why i got mine so quickly - I have now 2 weeks to submit some more documents before I get my blue ID card. Next stop - medical checkup!


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