Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A day of good news

A good day but as usual, nothing so fantastic as it comes to an end.....

First I received confirmation that I will go to Vietnam on business trip in December to attend coffee conference. Made reservations for myself and a colleague who will be attending the conference with me.

Then, the news of my successful application for Singaporean PR came in the mail. Refer to my other post on this topic alone.

I left the office on time today - did not leave earlier. Stayed till my official end of the day. The moment I got home, received an SMS from my manager - my promotion has been confirmed! I will be promoted effective 1st Oct! I don't know what I will be promoted to because of the current organisational changes but I'm guessing that I'll be called Senior Account Manager or something like that. 

Finally came the fact that I will not have to fly budget to Hong Kong =p I'm flying SQ!

Ahhh.....of course the day ends by going home and...........ok stop.


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