Monday, September 3, 2012

Visitors and Lynn leaving

This week is a busy week back home - 2 visitors are in town, one from China and another from Australia. Mum's gonna have her hand full again with 2 visitors in tow and grandma to take care of. To top it up, she's busy getting Lynn ready for her maiden journey to the other half of the world - London!

Yes, Lynn will be the first in our family to study overseas. She's always always different! She went to a Chinese primary while two of us went to national school. She went to our rival secondary school. She went to rival college in KL. She went into arts. She is a straight As student. She did not learn to play the piano (only a couple of months so that doesn't count). And now, she's going overseas. Hmmm.....bizarre.....

Anyway, I will be seeing her for the last time this year this coming weekend when I go back to catch up with her before she flies off on 911. Then it will be a year before I get to see her again. Gie will be seeing her more often since London is practically her 3rd home now, after BP and SG. Lynn will be missing out on a lot like our CNY trip to wherever but she will be having a lot of fun on her own too! Freaking jealous!!! London!!! C'mon I only ended up in Moscow, Italy then Africa! Now am back. Told her do not ever return. 

Anyway, sister, you'll do well. Don't worry too much. London's a civilized country you will survive. 


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