Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!

Happy New Year 2012 everybadeh! Hehehe

How did you welcome 2012? Have you made any New Year's resolutions? How drunk did you get?

Mine was a very quite affair. Stayed home all weekend without any alcohol. How boring is that? I'm interested to know if any of you can beat that. Leave a comment!

2 weeks to Chinese New Year - only 2 more weekends which means Bali is just around the corner! Yay!!! Holiday!!! Ooo can't wait can't wait. Ann Gie finally decided (again) to go to Bali and tickets booked. This time no turning back for her heh! But learn from her, indecisiveness is really a bad trait because she ended up paying twice of what we paid on the same budget airline before paying for luggage! She could have flown a 5* airline if not for the fact that they are sold out for the same price with 20kg check-in! Boo!

It's gonna be pay-back time in Bali for the lack of alcohol during New Year's eve. You just watch me *ggrrrr* But the excitement of the trip is really building up. I gotta pull myself back to earth - don't get overly excited and then ended up disappointed :(

Oh oh oh....Australia tickets are up! Gonna fly Emirates! But I hope the price stays for another mont, PLEASEEEEE??? I cannot buy the tickets now.....I need to keep my credit card debt free coz I need to pay for OPI - taking in new batch, in the process now and I'm gonna pay with my credit card. No no I'm not crazy. It's actually a good way to utilize your money PROVIDED you have all the cash to settle the bill in full at the end of the month.Ok in short, you get to maximise the use of your cash. A very long theory but proven and even thought in my Financial Planning course. Hmmm...let me put this as simple as I can:

Say your billing date is every 3rd of the month. Jan's expenditure will be billed on 3rd Feb then you have 2 weeks to pay up right? Think about this - what if you make a purchase on 4th Jan? It will still only appear on 3rd Feb right? Then you have 2 weeks to pay which means you only pay for something 1.5months later? Without interest!! What else do you want man for such good deal? Put your money into good use :)


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