Thursday, January 5, 2012

The BlogShop Singapore SUCKS - *update*

ANOTHER Long Post Beware

Since my first post about my experience with The BlogShop Singapore in September, I have received a lot of emails and comments about my readers' own experience, many asking for updates from my end and many with a lot of unanswered questions what is happening. Since I have insider information, I have decided to write an update about what happened to me after my September post and what is currently happening within The BlogShop, as accurately as I can. I gather these information from somebody I know hence I will not take any responsibility of misinformation.

My last post, I stopped at Clarence playing with words that I wasn't able to collect my ITE stocks from FEP.

What happened after that? The story continues.....

Clarence went missing for more than a week. He was totally non-contactable by phone or SMS. He stopped replying. We all know he doesn't picks up his calls but at least he was still replying SMS-es. There was still no security deposit refunds, no sales reports, no stocks to be returned, no rental refund nor were there my sales payments - since June.

On 31st October, I decided to lodge a police report. I am not able to share anymore SMS-es cz I have deleted all that after I got all my outstanding payments and stocks. Back to the report, I made the report targeting the company and Clarence for negligence, fraud and lies. I'm not sure if I can do this but I will anyway - I will share my report here.

Just noticed that when published, my report is cropped. To read the full report, click on the image. It will open up.

I don't think this is the best report but in your report, please be as concise as possible. It is not here but in the report, there is an option to indicate who you are reporting against - put The BlogShop and Clarence Chew there. If you do not have time to visit your nearest police station, do it online. I did mine online.
I told Clarence that a report has been made against him and the company. I got an almost instant reply from him. Wow! So he's still alive! What a surprise. From there, things just sped up. He promised to return the money - cash into my account directly in a week. After a week, partial of the money was returned but he asked for another week's extension for the other half. He kept to his word. But the stocks? Where are my stocks? In September he said it will be in Far East right? No, I got so fed up, I drove to ITE West and collected it myself. It was still sitting in the store.
For those of you who are thinking of lodging a report or getting legal advice, please do so quickly. The Blogshop has ceased all their operations in Singapore. City Plaza, Haji Lane and ITE outlets are now officially closed. Far East was the first to go on 24th Oct. Based on what I know from my source, The Blogshop still has a few loose ends to tie up before they call it a day. And they are already acting to tie up those ends, many are now done so it will not be long, maybe only a matter of days now before they deregister and dissolve The Blogshop. Once that is done, no reports can get them as The Blogshop is a private limited company ie the owners do not undertake any liability, debts etc of the company. Think of the blogshop as a person - a human being. If you are suing a human being, once that person dies, who do you sue? Nobody.
At the same time, seek legal advice. My case, because of the small amount of money and I was the only person lodging the case against them, they considered that a civil case. Case closed. No action was taken. I checked CASE - not within their jurisdiction. Claims tribunal - maybe. But seek legal advice. And if you can, all of you vendors, gather and lodge the report together. You can't, agree on the the police station where you will lodge your report with (you will need to choose the location online too) so that all your reports will end up on the same table then they will have the visibility and can see the magnitude of the problem on hand - the total sum owed in total and how many people are involved. I was fighting my own "war" then so my case was weak. I am very sure Clarence knows exactly what game he has to play - delaying your payments, bounced chqs, MIA, etc are all delay tactics. He is playing with time hoping none of us will take any action because we are all waiting then, BAM! The Blogshop disappears. Clarence goes scott free.
I am one of the few lucky ones who got everything back. (Actually not everything, I found items not returned to me but later on found them in Haji's store room when my friend was helping to clear out to make way for the new owners. So check your stocks too - my bad habit, not proper inventory checks - if/when you get them back.) But those out there, good luck. I hope my posts helps and can serve as a guide or give you an idea what you can do.
All the best!

PS: All interested to lodge a report as a group, please leave a comment here so that others might see. Give a date and location so that all who sees this post can lodge on the same day and at same location (remember you can do it online and select the same location). Otherwise, you can also email me and I will consolidate.

You can reach me at should you not feel comfortable leaving comments here for anything at all.


Anonymous said...

I made a report at Clementi NPP.
Report no.: D/20120109/2126

Z said...

Oh dear! Sounds like not a good experience.. do you think you'd ever rent another space like you did at theblogshop? (but fm another company?) Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline Koh took the funds from The Blogshop and left Clarence Chew to handle on the scapegoat's work.

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