Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 days to 2012!

What's the plan for the weekend? How are you planning to welcome the new year? We are only 4 days to the new year! How fast!

This is always the time to reflect. How did 2011 turn out for you? Has it been fruitful? Or are there things you could have done better or shouldn't do? How do you want 2012 to be? Have you thought about it?

Apart from the usual health and happiness for all around me and of course myself, I hope in 2012 I will get to leave my present job and become my own boss. For that to happen, I hope 2012 means my business will prosper although I will tone that down a little judging from the weak economic outlook for the next 2 years.

Hoping for more travels next year - 3 max I guess since the amount of annual leave I have is pathetic. No money also.....

OK but good start to the year - I'm going to Bali in Jan! Then there's a chance to go to Mumbai though this idea is getting less exciting as time passes. I can't spend too many days there so not sure if it's worth it to pay so much for the visa and then just be there for a week. A good friend's getting married. In October, there's Melbourne! My cuz is getting married so that I'm definitely going with or without the husband. Hmph!

I need to plan something for mid-year. If you don't already know, Singapore has very few public holidays and there is a long period of dry spell from May till August. And if you are in a job you hate, that feels like a century!

Anyway, let's forget that one now. I need to plan what I wanna do this weekend - how am I going to welcome 2012? Tough....this decision gets tougher as you get older...hmmm....



Hi Ann

can we check if you know the ITE store is still in operation? we are in the same situation as you as we had rented a clothing rack from them and totally cannot contact clarence at all and am not sure what is happening right now.

If you know anything that is happening to TBS @ ITE campus can you let me know here or email me at so that I can lodge a police report too.

Thank you so much in advance!

Faire Belle

Ann said...

Hi Faire Belle,

I have asked my contacts and confirm that ITE is no longer in operation. Please lodge a police report as soon as possible as all of The Blogshop's operations in Singapore are closed.

So go lodge a report before they deregister the company. Once they do that, The Blogshop is gone for good and nothing you do can get them. And there is nothing you can do to Clarence because they are Pte Ltd company, not a sole proprietorship. Once the company is dissolved, the liabilities die with it. You still have a chance as we speak - they have some issues which are not yet settled and once they settle those stuffs, they will close down The Blogshop.

GO GO GO!! :)

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