Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back from Bali and HATING IT!

We finally touched down on Friday after spending 4 incredible but hot days in Bali and boy am I hating being back!!!! Back to work tomorrow.......I have been depressed the moment we touched down at Changi and I'm still not over it! *!%*$

The trip, apart from the weather when we are at sea level, was great. Although close to 50% of the time was spent on the road getting from one place to another, but each time we get there, it never fails to take our breath away! We almost always start our day complaining about the heat but everyday (except 1st & last day), we will end up in a mountain somewhere with strong winds and extremely cool weather (think Genting Highlands in Dec). It was just great.

The villa we were in, wow.....speechless. Apart from the mozzies, I have no complains whatsoever. I can live with the mozzies. 

The trip ended better than expected. I was apprehensive before because I have never travelled with my aunts before (Genting Highlands when you were 5 doesn't count) especially my 2nd aunt who is somewhat unique. Also we were a pretty big group of 8 pax so trying to get everyone to agree to something might be tough. But thank God, I had all the itinerary and transport arranged so all we do everyday is to get into the car and let the driver surprise us. The best decision I ever made.

The downside? was rather disappointing. Apart from our daily breakfast which are cooked in our villa itself, I haven't found anything worth recommending at all. Not even Babi Guling at Ibu Oka nor Bintang beer. Also, I lost my ID even before I checked-in! Ish! 

I'm glad mum enjoyed herself - this trip could either make her or break her ie: she could stop traveling altogether and hate airplane rides or she will be more open to traveling from now on. If you didn't know already, I had to resort to booking and paying for the flight tickets first then tell her afterwards to make sure she'll go on this trip with us!

Verdict: Great holiday with the family which includes my 2 aunts (dad's only sisters) - great way to spend our first Chinese New Year without Grandma but she was in our thoughts throughout the trip. 

We miss you Grandma.  


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