Monday, January 23, 2012

Congratulations Lil' Sis!


Anlynn has yet again scored straight A's in her AS exams. For those of you, old school like me, AS is first half of A-levels. A-levels is no longer like what it used to be - one monster exam at the end of the course. 

It is now a course with 2 final exams each of them accounting for 50% of the final score - AS and A2. 

So yes, Anlynn's AS results were announced this morning and again straight A's. She has received conditional offers from 3 universities in UK based on her forecast results and now with this actuals, she will most likely be accepted to all of them. I'm pretty sure Anlynn will not be able to attend Sam's wedding in Melbourne in October. See term in UK starts in Sept *wink*

Congratulations Lynn! Echoing what everybody else has said - we don't want you at Sam's nor Sue's wedding!!!


Anlynn said...

Hahahahaha! Not welcomed anymore :P thank you!!!!! <3 see you in a few hours :)

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