Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Aiyoh I'm so bored! It's 3.30pm and 3 more hours before I can leave the office. I was secretly hoping that hubby will have his departmental dinner tonight but no such luck. Only with him having to stay back for such functions can I leave on time (4.30pm) otherwise I will have to wait till he knocks off which could be anytime between 6.30pm to 8pm. He will have a dinner tomorrow though but it doesn't do anything to me - I have a telcon at 2.30pm which will jolly well drag till 4-4.30pm. SIAN!

The weather sucks too. Gloomy and raining all day. Granted it's cooling but it's not doing anything to lift up my mood especially when I'm terribly sick and tired of my job.

Am so bored and blank, I don't even know what else I can contribute here. My OPI shipment needs to arrive soon!!!


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