Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How was your Christmas?

I can't wait for the end of the week! It's going to be another long weekend - thank God.

How was your Christmas? How did you celebrate Christmas?

It was a very lazy weekend for hubby and I. I spent S$998 on an iPhone 4S as Christmas cum Wedding Anniversary gift for hubby :( while I continue using my iPhone 3GS. He in turn gave me a Tanzanite pendant (google it in case you don't know what a Tanzanite is). He bought it 6 months ago during his business trip to Tanzania!!! Wow! Impressed.

I slept late on Friday night (4.30am) and woke up 12 hours later on Saturday. A quick and simple dinner and stayed home till 11pm or so when his friend called. Just a simple short mamak affair where we had our countdown and got home at 2.30am. Late Sunday, woke up at noon and lazed at home till dinner time. Dinner with in-laws (McDonald's) then drinking session with close friends. Just the 6 of us, no crowd, great seats followed by Lok Lok for supper at 3am! Superb!

Woke up at 9am Monday morning (holiday!). I had the cleaner over that's why I couldn't sleep in. Lunch with friends then went home right after and went over to his mum's for dinner.

End of long weekend. How depressing.....


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