Thursday, December 15, 2011


No No, not by my hubby but my customer. Some idiot of President he is for his division. Extremely petty and totally unlike someone who is holding such an important position. Sorry to say that he will not go far because to be an achiever you must know how to move on and look beyond.

So yes we rolled your cargo, so yes you missed the Christmas sales. So what? What has happened has happened and especially when it is 3 weeks ago! Why are you still haunting me, attacking me personally with your sarcasm? I am trying my might to be patient but don't push me as I will retaliate - I promise you. Don't assume that I won't just because you are the customer. I don't give a damn. Don't you know that this company is not owned by me? I am only an employee and nothing is within my control? You can't see that I have tried my might or did you refuse to see it?

If you don't trust me nor do you think I'm helping you submit your claims why did you even bother writing to me with all your sarcastic comments? Are you getting the kick out of it or what? What an idiot.

Who are you? Shankar Nore from Olam Singapore that's who you are. Yes, sue me. I named you so what?


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