Sunday, December 4, 2011

Jacky Cheung in 5!

That is 5 days for you all out there. 

Yes! I am going for Jacky Cheung's concert in 5 days! Can't wait.....I didn't use to like Jacky Cheung during his hey-day because he was part of the Heavenly Kings with Leon Lai. Leon was my favourite during those days. When I was young and naive (about 20 years ago, OMG I didn't realise!), Leon was the best. Nobody, even if they are better, deep down I knew, was good enough.

But now that I am older and wiser, I will watch Jacky's concert, not Leon's. In fact, I have never been to any of Leon Lai's concert. Hmmm...oh because I was too young and too poor then. Hehehe.....

I'm sure it's gonna be good! I gave up catching it in Singapore back in August just because he would have sang more mandarin songs rather than cantonese and I am pretty sure he would have spoken in mandarin too. That totally defeats the purpose of watching a Hong Kong act. 

Counting down!

PS: I didn't know Storm is in KL! Today's the last performance. Damn! 


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