Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Well deserved break

3 days of flea at Changi Expo. Not too good - the crowd was very thin. I think it was due to multiple fleas and F1. But anyways, I cleared a lot of polishes - I focused only on polishes this time round.

I am officially at the start of my 2 week break. Took unpaid leave. I really need this to take a good break off work and to concentrate on my business. Though it's not going to generate any income during this 2 weeks but they are the foundations of the business which I desperately need to lay.

I have been neglecting the business since I started work. My website's almost dead and apart from the shops, nothing's really riding so I need to focus. 

I wanna write a proper business proposal as well and visit some banks to look at the possibility of taking a loan, be it business or personal to bring the business to the next level. I need to get serious about it.

So although it's a break from my everyday job, I will still be working.


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