Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Birthday To me - Belated

Another year has passed - I celebrated yet another birthday on 31st Aug, which also happened to be 2nd day of Hari Raya + Malaysia's National Day.

Since in Singapore, only the 1st day of Raya is a holiday, I took leave on my birthday. Not much of a celebration - went out for extremely late dinner the night before and met up with 2 friends in a pub after that. Finally got home at 5+am..... :s

Woke up around noon and went for Bak Kut Teh lunch with a friend. Relaxed at home after that - not as if there was so much time left before the next working day loomed. Sian......

However, highlight of this birthday - hubby got me the camera I have been wanting to buy since March!!!! =p I couldn't decide between S95 and G12 (Canon) since March. Also, part of the reason is I couldn't convince myself to buy it since my ol' faithful Olympus is still very much alive and kicking. But whatever it is, I am happy :)


MinnieMoose said...

IMHO S95 is a better camera. I've seen pics from the G11 (I don't know how far the next gen improved) and S90 n 95, the S is definitely better than G while being less complicated and less bulky. S95 has very true colours.

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