Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy happy happy

Reminding myself that I have to live my life happily. Haven't been truly happy for a long time - since......I left Italy really. That is a long time for somebody to stay unhappy right?

Damn right it is!

I have made a conscious decision to be happy now! It might not come naturally since there is nothing happy happening in my life right now - I am NOT happy (so? sue me). Momentary and short-term happiness doesn't count - for example, happy coz I got the camera I have wanted - that doesn't count.

I have dedicided that this is going to end. No more unhappy days! I mean WTH we don't live that long and what's the point wallowing? If the marriage is failing, so be it. If job sucks so be it. If my business fails, so be it. So everything and everybody else goes against me, so be it.

But I will continue to live my life happily - I will move on. I MUST get out of this shit-hole.


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