Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy birthday grandma! And happy wedding Joe + Yi Xia!

September 11th - a very different day for different people. Of course you can say that everyday is different for different people but to me it is a day of happiness and sadness.

September 11th 2001 - a sad day - terrorist attached World Trade Centre in USA. Many lost their lives. Terror cells made their presence known to the world in a big way for the first time. So big, all countries in the world, especially allies of the United States shook (you can even hear their knees knock!)

So far seems like a peaceful September 11th in United States to me.

September 11th is my grandmother's birthday - a happy day. She's 92 this year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANNY! I wonder how she celebrated this day yesterday. I forgot to call mum yesterday.

Another happy day for another couple from this year on is Joe and Yi Xia who got married yesterday! Congratulations! I was the driver of the bridal car you have never heard of a lady driver huh? I dressed up like a Jap schoolgirl. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of myself in that attire at the moment. Hopefully somebody with camera caught it and will post it up soon!

Here's how the groom, bride and the cronies looked like yesterday! Laugh it out!


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