Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gotta be patient

I have been applying for jobs internally every now and again whenever I see something interesting - both expats and local positions - since end of last year. Nothing has come out of it so far - I have had a couple of interviews but none was successful. 

A couple of weeks back, I don't remember when actually, I applied for a job which I really want (I'm actually applying only to jobs within this department in different countries - it is similar to the one I was in in Moscow and Genoa) - String Manager position in our sister company. 

Was called up for an interview last Wednesday and though I won't consider myself standing a good chance but at least I was shortlisted. I gave up on the idea to move, IF i ever do get offered, when I met the head of department. A very difficult lady. 

Anyway, to cut the long story short, I was called into a room by my current manager on Friday. The moment we were on our own, he said "I heard you applied for a job". He said this with a smile on his face - he didn't call this meeting to reprimand me or anything but just out of concern why I am thinking of leaving the department - his team. 

I told him how I felt - how tired and frustrated I am. Most importantly I'm not happy being stagnant where I am. I told him that the new position is something I've always wanted and he knows that, plus it is a 2 job grade jump for me. I've been in my current position for way too long. I told him that by moving there, though a smaller company, I see room for growth which I don't currently UNLESS I take over his position. He said he'll try his best to push me up to that level of job grade but he cannot guarantee it since it will take management to agree. But I told him though it's gonna be a better job grade and better pay but it's still the same shit everyday. There still isn't anymore room for growth, unless I take his place. 

At the end of a half an hour long conversation, his closing summary to me, in his own words "I always want my team to move up and improve. If it was others in the team who are applying to move on to a better position, I would give my blessings. But if it is you, let me tell you straight in your face now, I won't allow that. You are my shining star and best sales person I have." Don't be mislead by that sentence - he was smiling and can see he meant it. 

That means I can stop trying to apply to any jobs anymore since any hiring manager who might potentially want to hire me, will not succeed coz current manager is able to stop the hiring process. I feel flattered but I am still not happy here! Damn!


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