Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour

So what did you do from 8.30pm to 9.30pm yesterday (your local time)? Did you switch of all lights (including your laptop even if it runs on reserve battery power) in support of Earth Hour? Did your friends or people around you do that too?

Honestly and very shamefully, I did not. None of the houses on my street did too. I would have but my mum didn't allow it. Reason? Too dark - will invite thieves. Er mum??!??? Are you serious? But anyway, she says no who am I to say yes? In my little hometown, I didn't see anyone doing it at all although I had lots of friends participated. Of course I didn't venture far enough to confirm that NOBODY at all participated but from the journey between my grandma's and my house and a restaurant some 15 minutes away from my house - I didn't see any. What a waste...

But I am proud of KLCC (read Twin Towers of Malaysia) - they were actually in the dark for the full hour! Cool!!!

Well I hope you did your part. I know I didn't....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Verify this anybody?

My hubby sent me this today - is this true?? Apparently it will be out in May and for the first time in Apple's history, the battery is detachable (say yay!) and for the first time in Apple's history, the battery actually is expected to last! (More yays I hear?) And it's 4G!

Battery life: 3 weeks.....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hot Hot Hot!

Arghhhh the weather is horrible!! It's sooo hot and humid I don't feel like doing anything! But I can't do nothing coz I have tons to do! Damn.....sit or walk or stand, it's just as hot. Only with the air conditioner on that it's bearable.....but I can't have it on all the time - my dad will kill me! URGH HOT HOT HOT!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Finally back on solid land....I was so tired (I went without sleep for 36 hours) I slept damn well throughout the night and most part of the day *shy* I actually woke up only at 4pm Malaysian time...hehehe...

The flight was long and tedious as usual but it's super torturous. Damn I am seriously considering of an upgrade on my trip back. And I think I will upgrade when I fly back to Nairobi. Not going to into details coz it will turn into a racist post and I don't mean it that way.

But anyway, I might be flying back in 2 or 3 weeks....hubby won't be resigning today and will only resign next week when JL is back in the office. No thanks to JH....ish!

Monday, March 22, 2010

My flight is at 11.35pm and I'm still home coz I have already checked in online so with luggage, I only need to be there 90 minutes before which means 10pm. I guess we'll leave like 9-9.30pm?? I think 9pm will be safer in case of traffic jams or what-not.'s's so unlike our home trips. This is going to be a very short trip home although this is supposed to be us moving back home for good - leaving Kenya for good. Why? Because hubby still has to serve his notice with the company so I'll be back here to help him pack and move then we'll leave together, this time for good.

How do I feel now??? Nervous and dreading it....those who know me know that I hate living in and working in Malaysia which is why we're moving to Singapore and hopefully somewhere else. Nervous - simple - imagine being at home doing whatever you want when you want to and sleeping whenever you want to and till whatever time....for 2 years then all of a sudden, you have to start the process of trying to impress another individual just to get a job, to survive.....and the whole process of trying to try and get along with an office of new people. Man.......what's more, I'm most likely be moving to a whole new industry. Hmmm....

But the thing we (hubby and I) did not see coming is how hard it is to gonna be separated for 2 weeks or more. It didn't hit any of us before until just these couple of days....we've never been apart for more than 3 days at a time for the past 2 years! Even then, we were apart for 3 days only ONCE, otherwise nothing more than 10 or 12 hours =p So yeah, didn't see that coming - I think we thought it will be a good break for both of us. So, yeah it's tough but I'm sure once I get home it'll be different coz I have my beloved family and friends PLUS LOTS OF THINGS TO DO! And in another 3 days, I'll know when I'll fly back here coz by then we'll know for sure when hubby's last day will be. For all I know, I might have to fly back here again in a week! But I'll try to fly back after 31st March - might have to meet some customers then. 

Anyway, only 45 minutes left before we have to leave for the airport.....

See you in Malaysia! I'M GONNA MISS YA HUBBY!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mombasa and more...

Yup, it has taken me a long time to write this entry plainly because I have been procrastinating. It's also because of Apple's fault - there are only 2 USB ports on my MBP! Who the hell makes only 2 USB ports on any laptops now! At least 3 c'mon Apple! So anyway, when my laptop is switched on, the Internet will be too - so I have one port for my mouse and another for my modem. Where else am I going to find another for my camera? I finally remembered to do it when hubby was using the modem. Sigh....

So our trip to Mombasa was super lovely. Short weekend and a very tedious drive granted but it was all worth it (no more driving there though unless weekday) The drive was, in general, OK - it was a long long long straight road. You just need to worry about trucks and your fuel level. The road condition was lovely. But the wait for the ferry to take you from Mombasa city to South Coast was horrible. We traveled on a Saturday to South Coast and we waited in line for 4 hours to get on the ferry! It was albeit being stuck in a traffic jam because you are waiting in line with the other vehicles on an everyday road. But on a weekday, it's fine - nothing more than 30 minutes back. Hell, we didn't even have to wait 15 minutes! So yeah, if you're planning a trip to Mombasa, make sure you go and come back on a weekday. Or better yet, FLY!

My worst experience would have to be when we were running out of fuel on that stretch of long empty road. Our fuel indicator actually started showing and there wasn't anything let alone town in sight! Actually, wait a minute, we did pass a few little villages and they didn't have anything to offer us! When we finally got to a decent town and saw our usual gas brand, we couldn't stop praising the Lord BUT BUT BUT - again, only in Africa, they ran out of fuel! Another super long stretch of nothingness but thank goodness we were near Mombasa and we know we just have to make it there which we did eventually. Thank God! Hallelujah! I tell you, I was super super edgy - hubby tried his best to take my mind off the indicator but all I could tell him was not to speak to me for now coz I'm too stressed with the level of fuel we have.

When we finally got our fuel tank filled, another problem loomed - we had a cracked water tank! Yikes! Uh huh - one problem after the other....a serious one too if you think about it. Cracked water tank means it cannot hold water which means radiator might heat up especially if you're traveling long distances which means the engine might just say Goodbye which means we might be stuck in Mombasa or worse yet, in the middle of no where! OK calm down calm down....what do we do??? We just gotta make sure we watch the temperature all the time and make sure the radiator is filled to its brim, hubby said. It worked! Honestly, I wasn't as worried as I was when the fuel indicator came on.....The worst is over.....

We chose a really good resort - I was very pleased with it although the food was a disappointment. Everything about the resort was just right. The views, the rooms, the people etc etc. Great weekend I tell you. I strongly recommend The Nomad at Sands to whoever who is thinking of visiting. Definitely will return if I have the chance to. We got there late so by the time we got checked in and ready for dinner, it was already 6pm. Hubby headed straight for the Internet room and then shower which means dinner was at 9pm. But it was fine....dinner by the beach - sound of the waves, perfect lighting, not-so-perfect food but who cares?! We're on a holiday! The other thing about Mombasa is that it's at sea level, unlike Nairobi which is 2000+ metres above sea level, so it's very tropical just like in Malaysia. The heat, I can stand but the humidity? Damn.....I felt sticky all the time! No glue for stamps on your postcard? No get them from free from your body!

But I was able to look beyond that and enjoy myself to the fullest - so just imagine how beautiful and relaxing this place is. Early night - of course after the long day. We woke up early the next day - hubby couldn't wait to jump into the sea. So yeah, we got down for a swim at 10/11am and man the water was HOT! But hey, we've swam in the Indian Ocean before! Have you now? =p We stayed will maybe noon and then shifted to the pool. Sunbathing and pool and a glass of fresh pineapple juice....uh huh....hehehe.....heave ain't it? It was 4pm before we finally had lunch and it was just lazing till 10.30pm for a round of drinks at the bar. No dinner even! Then it was time to head home =( Hubby still missed it a week after....he told me the Sunday after "Imagine - we were swimming in the sea this time last week"... Yes darling, but uh....wake up!

Anyway, it's only 2 days before I board the plane. Yup - I'm heading home. Bye bye Kenya (technically, not yet coz I'll be back in 2 weeks or thereabouts to help hubby pack and move) Yes, this time it's leaving for good. Will still be back often but will not stay. It's just going to be Touch and Go from now on to deliver goods to my customers.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I just realised I have been extremely quiet about Mombasa. Does anyone know I even went to Mombasa?? Oh yeah, I did mention in 2 or 3 of my posts saying that I'm paranoid about hubby suggesting to take me to Mombasa eh?? Well, we made that trip - went on Saturday (last week) and back on Monday. A short trip but overall very nice.

Will write more tomorrow and hopefully will post some pictures too. I am toooo freaking lazy to do anything!

Oh and of course, I'm busy packing. Have you heard? I'm going back to Malaysia on 21st March! Sayonara-o!

Disgraced Singapore Director Jack Neo Speaks

It has been a week since Singapore's most famous director made headlines, shocking the small nation when his extra marital affair with a 22 year old freelance model was exposed.

He spoke up at the press conference in Singapore this morning - not much of a press conference if you ask me. More to show his face and to let the nation know that his wife has forgiven him. Nothing was said really in the press conference. Comparing this to Tiger Wood's - this is child's play.

Anyway, watch it here:

Friday, March 5, 2010

Weekend Trip Tomorrow

Heading off to Mombasa tomorrow with hubby - finally! We've been planning to go for over a year already but our trips to Mombasa were always jinxed so I hope this time, we'll get to go after all. It's not confirm until we're actually there - really! The last time we planned, hubby fell ill the very morning we were supposed to leave. He was tired the day before, not ill, but when he woke up the morning we were suppose to leave, he had high temperature and a bad sore throat :s

We've booked ourselves into The Sands at Nomad, apparently the first boutique hotel in Kenya. Check it out here:

I've read reviews on Tripadvisor - not all are encouraging but I just hope we get the good rooms. Erm ok you will only get to see our room when I show you. Don't be blown away by the pictures - they are cottages and suites and what-not. We only have a sea breeze room, which is on the main building of the reception area and with PARTIAL sea view only.... ;p

So I'll be quiet for the next 3 days (we'll be back only on Monday) but I'll try to blog while I'm there too

Happy weekend! :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I'm bored! I have nothing to do....well I have actually but did I mention I feel very lazy today too? Yep.... so ahh...that's why I'm bored! I have stuffs to do but I chose not to do any of it. I'm just sitting in front of my laptop, waiting for business emails to arrive. It felt so good when I switched on my laptop last night and found 4 enquiries sitting in my Inbox waiting for clarification. I was waiting for such exhilaration to repeat itself today. sort of did in the morning but hey, emails can't be arriving every other minute right? I have only myself to blame for being so efficient (ehhem...ehhem)

Anyway, managed to close more sales today (in addition to yesterday's) but I'm praying very hard that more will come and all the enquiries last night will turn into sales too :)

Sigh...only slow!! No Facebook games today till 9pm - no thanks to Kenya Power and Lighting Company!!!! *GRRRR* Power went off at 8+ this morning and to be on the safe side, I made sure all my plants/dishes/what-not will be due only after 6pm.....and mana tau, it came back at 10am! URGH!


Nelanz Store Reviewed

Oh yeah yeah!!! Nelanz Store has been reviewed by one of Singapore's hottest celebrity blogger. She's actually the sister of one of Singapore's most famous actress. She used to be an actress herself - a child actress. The review was published on her blog yesterday and I have received quite a number of enquiries already!

On her blog, she posted not only pictures from Nelanz Store but also pictures of herself wearing our products! Smashing! I hope the craze will go on and it will create more awareness amongst the people in that area. I mean I am going back soon right, this is the best advertisement to help boost my business and it'll make it a lot easier for me to pick up once I get back.

Happeeee!!!! ;D

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm convinced

Ok I'm finally convinced that quality of a camera is not as important as the photographer. I met up with my friend again last night for dinner before he flies off to Las Vegas - the next stop in his around the world in 40 days photo-shoot. He showed us some of the pictures he's taken during his safari trips - none of them edited and they are like soooo amazing!!!

There were 5 of us at the table, including the man himself. 2 of my friends are novice photographers as well with all the D90, lenses what not. Anyway, he mentioned that the camera, although important if you're a professional, is not as important as the person holding the camera. He showed us a couple of pictures he took using his compact camera. Gosh - amazing! I will never be able to take anything close to that. I wasn't convinced still because he had a damn good compact - the Rolls Royce of a compact actually - Lica. So I brought my Olympus mini out and still, he managed to snap some amazing pictures I didn't know my Olympus could do!

But damn him - now I'm wondering if I should really save for a D90??? Hmmm.....