Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Back from Melbourne and off to Hong Kong

Am back from Melbourne! A week in Melbourne did good to my skin :) It was terribly cold, nothing like Spring at all! It was averaging 12-13 degrees celcius the whole time I was there but me like though I still do not think much of Melbourne. Not my cup of tea unfortunately.

I honestly do not remember how I spent my days there because I have visited places I need to visit when I was there 10 years ago. So it was just very relaxing trip, sleeping 10 hours everyday. That is until Ann Gie arrived then I was sleeping a lot less -_-"

Sam's wedding was awesome. We learnt a lot about Vietnamese culture that day and saw a lot of pretty Vietnamese girls as well. The wedding was very well planned and grand. I'm pretty sure he spent quite a bit on that day alone though I would hate to guess how much. It was hard to leave - always is hard to see your holidays coming to an end but one have to return to reality sometime. 

Anyway, it is off to Hong Kong tomorrow! I only just unpacked my luggage and then pack it up again for my trip to Hong Kong tomorrow! Can't wait to touch down in Hong Kong again after a decade! 

Psst! Kevin Cheng is in Hong Kong right now!!! But fat chance of meeting him :( He's recuperating with an eye injury so no chance of bumping him on the streets not like I have the time to be walking around hopping to spot some stars anyway. This is a business trip.


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